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Children Play

Jan 29, 2010
I read through all these posts and I have concluded, that a lot of players forget that there are children that play. My young son has been playing since before he could read or write. He has had many max level characters throughout the years he has played. He is good but, he also will see someone low on health and jump in to try and help them. He does not do so out of malice but because he thinks he is helping the player. He also may not realize the strategy that an adult or much older child may be using and go against the "grain". Again he does not do so out of malice but because he thinks once again he may be helping.

I state this because I see so many posts about how rude some people are, perhaps they are not rude but young or just thinking from their point of view they are helping. Sometimes, I believe that we, as older players need to try and remember that there are young children playing this game and they may not know they have messed up a strategy and think they are helping.

I understand there are some rude people that play but not all are doing so out of malice or rudeness.

Aug 07, 2011
Um, don't you think you should be teaching him manners and explaining to him that he should ask before joining which he can do with menu chat? I'm sorry but being a young child doesn't excuse it though you're right, I don't blame them. I blame their parents for not teaching them common courtesy.

Jul 03, 2010
What I have seen over the time I have played the game is a shift to perfection in playing the game, I don't care what mount these wizards get on when they start the game but lets just call it a "High Horse". For me I still play it the way I did when I joined - what ever gets me though it. Meeting others in the game used to be company for you - now it can mean a knock down drag out battle of wits - no wands or monsters involved.

When I joined the game with my grand kids the majority of the players were the younger set - they were my best friends and I have not managed this again since they slowly drifted away from the game in mid Mooshu and left me to solo most of the Spiral by myself. I no longer accept friend requests because too many turn out to be very bad company, they want me to gift them, give them my treasure cards or help them "power level" - yea right.

Rest assure who ever joins my fights no matter where or when, they would never be harassed about such a minor thing. The game is renewable - if you get defeated you can go back the monsters have saved a spot for you to battle them again. I treat others joining as a challenge to step it up even if they flee from me because they feel they made a boo boo - and this is in Avalon where the mob fights are a bit more difficult. There are just too many wizards running around with their panties in a bunch if you ask me. Chill out, relax - it's just a game and we are suppose to be having fun.

Jul 30, 2012
Talania wrote:
My young son has been playing since before he could read or write. He has had many max level characters throughout the years he has played.

Although I completely agree with your intended message, It seems odd that your son could have played for years with high level characters and not develop good etiqute and playing strategies. Perhaps what you meant was during his learning curve he didn't always play like a pro.

But your message is valid. My 6yo daughter loves the game but often does things that may seam 'incorrect'. Mind you she hasn't made it past Wizard city yet either. Also, I have been teaching her important things like not blindly porting to others. She understands. Her menu chat skills are quite good.

On a completely different off-topic note, Wizard101 has been a fantastic tool for rapidly advancing her reading/spelling skills.

Feb 07, 2011
GrammyH, you hit the nail right on the head.

Most kids don't know what's considered appropriate behaviour, unless told, but that doesn't excuse a lack of manners. If you are old enough to play this game, you are also old enough to respect social norms and the needs/wants of others who share the same space. If my toddler nephew can say please and thank you, then so can everyone else.


A little story~ I was out to lunch yesterday with my mom, my sister, and her 2 little kids. My nephew was acting up a bit, and reached over to sneak some of my veggies, when he thought I wasn't looking. I stopped him and told him to use his manners; then, he said: "Auntie Laura, may I please have some of your broccoli-trees?" My answer? Absolutely!

Of course, there's a point to that little story. In my opinion, joining someone's battle uninvited is no different than going to a restaurant~ you don't take chairs or condiments from someone else's table, or eat food off the plate of the person beside you; you get your own, or you ask nicely.


Personally, I don't discourage people from joining my battles... But, if you start demanding favours, are rude, or try to order me around, I'll flee and switch realms. I don't care whether you're 8 or 80~ I won't help you, if you disrespect me.

If someone says, "hi, may I please join in", I'm not going to tell him no. But if his friend comes along and says, "heal me" or "give me that blade", I'll say no way, Jose (whether or not that's actually his name, lol). Really, it's about more than just you.

Laura/El Veeb

Wizarding aunt, archmage of awesomeness, and staunch supporter of bringing back Sylvia Drake as the Mistress of Manners. ;)

Aug 07, 2011
vonawesome1 wrote:
GrammyH, you hit the nail right on the head.

Most kids don't know what's considered appropriate behaviour, unless told, but that doesn't excuse a lack of manners. If you are old enough to play this game, you are also old enough to respect social norms and the needs/wants of others who share the same space. If my toddler nephew can say please and thank you, then so can everyone else.


A little story~ I was out to lunch yesterday with my mom, my sister, and her 2 little kids. My nephew was acting up a bit, and reached over to sneak some of my veggies, when he thought I wasn't looking. I stopped him and told him to use his manners; then, he said: "Auntie Laura, may I please have some of your broccoli-trees?" My answer? Absolutely!

Of course, there's a point to that little story. In my opinion, joining someone's battle uninvited is no different than going to a restaurant~ you don't take chairs or condiments from someone else's table, or eat food off the plate of the person beside you; you get your own, or you ask nicely.


Personally, I don't discourage people from joining my battles... But, if you start demanding favours, are rude, or try to order me around, I'll flee and switch realms. I don't care whether you're 8 or 80~ I won't help you, if you disrespect me.

If someone says, "hi, may I please join in", I'm not going to tell him no. But if his friend comes along and says, "heal me" or "give me that blade", I'll say no way, Jose (whether or not that's actually his name, lol). Really, it's about more than just you.

Laura/El Veeb

Wizarding aunt, archmage of awesomeness, and staunch supporter of bringing back Sylvia Drake as the Mistress of Manners. ;)

Exactly! Maybe we should start a movement to bring Ms. Drake back. She does seem to be very civilized and if she can reign in her husband and his twin brother -- well, meh, two examples that the Spiral lost something when it lost her touch.

Jan 29, 2010
I have taught him proper etiquette, I did mean before he learned all the different nuances and could not read or write yet. He will now ask to join most times but he is autistic and sometimes forgets. I am not saying that rudeness is a good thing, I was just saying that sometimes they themselves have not learned it was rude to do something.

I personally work hard with my son on all social aspects and luckily this game has been a great teaching tool, since as a child with Autism, social skills have been harder to teach. This game has given him a "safe" environment that he can learn in, on HIS terms. As in no invasion of his personal bubble, no one actually trying to touch him, all the little nuances.

It is great he is now older and if he meets someone in real life for the first time, he now will hold out his hand and shake the other persons hand and introduce himself. Albeit you cannot shake hands in the game, it has helped him to learn to introduce himself to others.

Feb 07, 2011
GrammyH wrote:
Exactly! Maybe we should start a movement to bring Ms. Drake back. She does seem to be very civilized and if she can reign in her husband and his twin brother -- well, meh, two examples that the Spiral lost something when it lost her touch.

Yeah, really~ I think a tutorial on etiquette at the beginning would be a nice addition to the game. Maybe Sylvia can give said tutorial, with Malistaire and Cyrus beside her to scare those wayward wizards into submission.

Aug 07, 2011
vonawesome1 wrote:
GrammyH wrote:
Exactly! Maybe we should start a movement to bring Ms. Drake back. She does seem to be very civilized and if she can reign in her husband and his twin brother -- well, meh, two examples that the Spiral lost something when it lost her touch.

Yeah, really~ I think a tutorial on etiquette at the beginning would be a nice addition to the game. Maybe Sylvia can give said tutorial, with Malistaire and Cyrus beside her to scare those wayward wizards into submission.

Ooh! Excellent idea!

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
Talania wrote:
I have taught him proper etiquette, I did mean before he learned all the different nuances and could not read or write yet. He will now ask to join most times but he is autistic and sometimes forgets. I am not saying that rudeness is a good thing, I was just saying that sometimes they themselves have not learned it was rude to do something.

I personally work hard with my son on all social aspects and luckily this game has been a great teaching tool, since as a child with Autism, social skills have been harder to teach. This game has given him a "safe" environment that he can learn in, on HIS terms. As in no invasion of his personal bubble, no one actually trying to touch him, all the little nuances.

It is great he is now older and if he meets someone in real life for the first time, he now will hold out his hand and shake the other persons hand and introduce himself. Albeit you cannot shake hands in the game, it has helped him to learn to introduce himself to others.

if there is any problems
maybe wait a year or several
might help also dont worry cause eventually autistic people can play games like this like anyone else ( coming from a autistic teen )

ninja pig: snicker she said that XD
gobbler: now we can pick on
me: >:O you wont be laughing for long go critical insane bolt
gobbler and ninja pig: we give up
sometimes it takes a little rough path to get through life and sometimes its a easy path but you have no control on how it plays out ( personal motto of Rachel dreamsong )

Community Leader
@Talania I for one think it is amazing that your Son loves to help people. If he ever sees me in battle he is more than welcome to join mine anytime. I am always helping others when i see a battle after all MMOs are made to be played with many people. I have heard from so many parents that Wizard101 is a great teaching tool for their children. This makes me happy. One of my Grandsons is autistic and I think he can move through Wizard101 better than I can.

The way I see it if people want to go solo maybe they should be in a perfect realm or group up so that others cannot join their battles. The game is meant to be played with many types of people. I know when I have a quest where I have to gets so many of this or that , even defeat this many of enemy I go to a crowded realm and find people battling it helps everyone. If I am alone I always wish I had help. If I want to play alone I find the least filled realm and go there. I have one wizard I solo on. I still get people once in awhile jumping in battle but hey, it happens. :)

Jan 24, 2010
Paige MoonShade on Oct 11, 2012 wrote:
@Talania I for one think it is amazing that your Son loves to help people. If he ever sees me in battle he is more than welcome to join mine anytime. I am always helping others when i see a battle after all MMOs are made to be played with many people. I have heard from so many parents that Wizard101 is a great teaching tool for their children. This makes me happy. One of my Grandsons is autistic and I think he can move through Wizard101 better than I can.

The way I see it if people want to go solo maybe they should be in a perfect realm or group up so that others cannot join their battles. The game is meant to be played with many types of people. I know when I have a quest where I have to gets so many of this or that , even defeat this many of enemy I go to a crowded realm and find people battling it helps everyone. If I am alone I always wish I had help. If I want to play alone I find the least filled realm and go there. I have one wizard I solo on. I still get people once in awhile jumping in battle but hey, it happens. :)


I, too, have seen the wonderful ways in which Wizard enables an autistic child to interact with the world. It's a powerful tool for making connections.

I do hope we can meet in-game sometime. I'd love to meet your child.

Oh, and anyone is welcome to join "my" battle, anytime.



Jan 29, 2010
Well, the character that I am on most is Taryn Goldenheart, 90% of my characters last names are Goldenheart and so are some of my Husbands characters. If you see a Goldenheart, you never know, you may have found my family. My son has many different ones, he makes the character by what he thinks sounds funny or is cool to him.

Since my husband and I have become disabled (two different events one year apart) My husband had an Aortic Dissection which caused eschemic bi-later strokes and I broke my neck the year before that. We seem to be on a lot more, especially during the daytime hours (CST). We always love to meet new people and help people make goals that perhaps are too hard for them on their own. Right now we are working on getting my husband through Celestia so he can join in Zafaria. Taryn is 70's Sorcerer and Andrew Wildflame is 62 Diviner. So if you happen to come across us in Celestia, give us a holler. Usually, we are together. Our son does his own thing most of the time but is sometimes also with us.

Feb 24, 2012
Paige MoonShade on Oct 11, 2012 wrote:
@Talania I for one think it is amazing that your Son loves to help people. If he ever sees me in battle he is more than welcome to join mine anytime. I am always helping others when i see a battle after all MMOs are made to be played with many people. I have heard from so many parents that Wizard101 is a great teaching tool for their children. This makes me happy. One of my Grandsons is autistic and I think he can move through Wizard101 better than I can.

The way I see it if people want to go solo maybe they should be in a perfect realm or group up so that others cannot join their battles. The game is meant to be played with many types of people. I know when I have a quest where I have to gets so many of this or that , even defeat this many of enemy I go to a crowded realm and find people battling it helps everyone. If I am alone I always wish I had help. If I want to play alone I find the least filled realm and go there. I have one wizard I solo on. I still get people once in awhile jumping in battle but hey, it happens. :)
Man o man if more people could just grasp this understanding the spiral would have less complaining people in it.

Im very glad someone of your stature has said this because a few of us have been on here having to deal with people complaining thinking they own the game and every mob or sequence in it.

And how right you are . Thank you for posting.

Jul 30, 2012
My impression is that the majority of people who post on this forum are not a representitive population of wizard101 gamers. They know lots about the game, and many give great answers, but they are not typical wizard101 gamers. I think some take the game very seriously and put a lot of time into it.

I highly doubt more than 5% of accounts have a wizard above level 50. Or have a pet with epic training. Or have more than 3 houses. Or have purchased 2+ mounts. Or have hatched a hybrid pet. Most would be casual players.

Feb 24, 2012
I disagree you would truely be surprised at how many play the game. True i am a casual player theres no arguing that but thats only because i dont have the time to play as much as i wished. I have to go to work,schoool,clean house,spend time with family and friends.

But i have played since launch. I have Archmage wizards. I have over 9 houses on different toons.
I have several Epic pets because i dont waste time getting to mega its useless to me. I have a ton of great gear and all side spells done.

So i am a casual gamer but casuals have a right to speak also and some casuals have made it farther than most die hard players.

Jul 30, 2012
fireproof1111 on Oct 30, 2012 wrote:
I disagree you would truely be surprised at how many play the game. True i am a casual player theres no arguing that but thats only because i dont have the time to play as much as i wished. I have to go to work,schoool,clean house,spend time with family and friends.

But i have played since launch. I have Archmage wizards. I have over 9 houses on different toons.
I have several Epic pets because i dont waste time getting to mega its useless to me. I have a ton of great gear and all side spells done.

So i am a casual gamer but casuals have a right to speak also and some casuals have made it farther than most die hard players.
I appreciate what you are saying and I fully agree that casual gamers have a full right to express their thoughts. I'm just saying that many of the posters on the forum are not representitive of the vast majority of gamers playing. As stated above, I doubt that more than 5% of gamers have a wizard over level 50.

I have no data to back my thought, just observation of how the spiral appears to be populated and intuition about how much time most people have to play a single online game, along with attention spans with a single game, other interests, etc.

I'm stating this only to support the OP, who is pointing out that many of the players are young kids (a big demographic that this game is targeted at), and of course they don't have the playing style of an 18+ yo. So if you are a hard core gamer getting all frustrated at someone not playing to your standards, just remember it might be an 8 year old girl named Samantha with cute pony tails who is having fun playing a magical game on her dad's computer! And she has every right to play this game and have fun doing so!

So next time there is a menu chat wizard who jumps into your battle and plays like an 8 yo, please remember... it might be an 8 yo. Getting angry and being rude is very much against the code of moodha.

Feb 24, 2012