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Swords, staffs, wands?

Oct 08, 2008
So, what exactly can I do with a sword in the game? And staffs? And how do I get one? And can you tell me the requirements for each? I hope this isnt a problem! Thanks everyone! :D

Jan 20, 2009
Swords and staves are like wands in every aspect except appearance. They give you a certain number of cards for your spell deck and some give a bonus pip or power pip at the start of combat.

Staves can be found throughout the game, including Wizard City, but they are all quite rare.

Swords can be found in MooShu and Dragonspyre, and they have level requirements of 40 (MooShu) or 45 (Dragonspyre).

In general the sword/staff wands have about a 5-10% drop rate, so it's quite possible to progress through the entire game without getting one.

There is plenty of information on www.wizard101central.com about where to find them.