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Sorcerer Advice (Call to all sorcerers!)

Jul 31, 2012
I'm trying to build a good balance sorcerer and it seems ravenscar in grizzelhiem is giving me a bit of trouble. I'm going to take a wild guess and say the worlds past this one will probably be much stronger. I would care for some advice for my level forty six balance sorcerer. I bought back all my training points twenty levels ago and have been getting by fairly well. I NEED to know what other schools would benefit balance the most and better prepare me for worlds to come. I would like to know where I must go for further spells after Alhazred has taught me all he can. I would also like to know if anyone can provide me a deck build.

My current deck:
2x Balanceblade
2x Helpinghands
2x Hex
2x Hydra
2x Judgement
1x Locust Swarm
2x Reshuffle
3x Sandstorm
1x Mend Minion
1x Scorpion
2x Spectral Blast
1x Spectral Minion
2x Spirit Shield
1x Elemental Blade
2x Elemental Shield

Please adjust my deck to make it solo player possible!

P.S. Do you think wearing a helm providing the satyr card is worth not getting one up-to-date?

Feb 07, 2011
Hey there~ first of all, your deck has way too many cards in it. Since you're only level 46, you don't have to worry about critical and mobs with crazy-high health just yet... Here is what my sorcerer's deck looks like (she's an archmage, in Avalon):

3 Power Nova
3 Colossal*
2 Amplify*
2 Balanceblade
1 Availing Hands**
1 Reshuffle

Optional: Bladestorm, extra Hands or 'Shuffle.
Sideboard: amulet Balanceblade, amulet Hex, 4 Super Torment (wands)

*Amplify and Colossal will not be available to you until you reach Celestia and Zafaria, and meet the level requirements (52+ for Amp, and 70+ for Colossal). That said, there are treasure card versions of both available in the Bazaar... make them your best friends, and use frequently.

**Availing Hands is your level 55/58 (I forget which) spell, and won't be available to you yet. You should have Helping Hands by now, so use that instead.



When you're a Balance wizard, you can't wand off Weakness or break shields~ therefore, off-school spells are a requirement from day one. Stuff your sideboard full of Cleanse Charm and Shatter, both available in the Bazaar, to avoid hours-long fights with Balance bosses and the trap left behind by those annoying Death Ninja Pigs.


Both the Witch's Star and Valkyrie's Star necklaces give an amulet Balanceblade and one other card (Hex or Tower Shield), and are only wearable by wizards who are level 55+ only. Until you can farm Nastrond to try for one, find a pet that has a Balanceblade card and use that instead~ both will stack with your trained one, with Bladestorm, and with each other. This is awesome, since Balance doesn't have school-only stackable blades like the other schools do. Dragonblade treasure cards are extremely rare, so snap one up if you can find it!


From a sorceress who bought ALL of her points back at level 80, you don't need a secondary school. Once you hit Grandmaster/level 50, your power pip chance skyrockets, and casting off-school spells is a waste of pips~ I did train Death to Feint, but I only ever use it in boss fights.

The exception to this is if you PvP~ if you do plan to spend time down at the Arena, your only viable option is to grab a Myth mastery amulet and spam Shatter or Earthquake at people who blade-stack or Tower you to death.

And no, don't get Satyr~ we have school heals, so Life spells are useless to us; save your points (and pips). When combined with my massive incoming heal-boost, Availing Hands gives back the same as Satyr does PER ROUND. That's 800+ HP each time, so it heals me for around 1200 (and that's low-balling it, heh).

I hope this helps, kinda. If you need me to clarify anything or answer other stuff, just let me know!


the Archmage of Awesomeness ;)

Jul 31, 2012
Um, it makes some sense to me. I don't understand some of it because I don't even know what half of the names and terms you said to me. I'm probably going to need to come back to this in the future when I can understand (Not trying to be insulting or anything).
So you say train death to fient? I don't know most of the cards you shared with me that are in your deck but I am really surprised by how small it is. Wouldn't I have to reshuffle a bunch of times each battle? If you can, anyway you can cut my deck a little and make it balance-worthy? :P

SIDEBOARD (forgot to share this...):
1x Satyr
1x Tower Shield
5x Major Crusade

Feb 07, 2011
Disreputable wrote:
Um, it makes some sense to me. I don't understand some of it because I don't even know what half of the names and terms you said to me. I'm probably going to need to come back to this in the future when I can understand (Not trying to be insulting or anything).
So you say train death to fient? I don't know most of the cards you shared with me that are in your deck but I am really surprised by how small it is. Wouldn't I have to reshuffle a bunch of times each battle? If you can, anyway you can cut my deck a little and make it balance-worthy? :P

SIDEBOARD (forgot to share this...):
1x Satyr
1x Tower Shield
5x Major Crusade

Yes, train to Feint... but only include it in your deck for boss fights. As for Reshuffle, I don't use it often, except maybe once per fight; the monsters are usually dead by then.

Hopefully, this will clear up anything you aren't familiar with. But don't worry~ you'll learn it all as you level up. ;)

Critical: when your attack hits for twice its usual damage. The chance of this happening is rare, and totally random. Enemies can do it, too, but you don't have to worry about this until you enter Celestia, which is where you're headed next.

Archmage: a level 80 wizard.

Power Nova: Rank 7 Balance spell, which you should be getting shortly, if you don't have it already. Does 470 base damage and adds aa Weakness trap to all enemies.

Colossal: an enchantment spell only available in Zafaria (though treasure card versions are available in the Bazaar). It adds +300 damage to whatever spell you select.

Amplify: an aura spell available to wizards level 52+ only (again, treasure versions are available). This is a shiny, pink bubble that appears around your wizard and increases outgoing damage by 15% for 4 rounds of combat.

Helping or Availing Hands:Both are Balance's school-only healing spells. Helping Hands is given when you complete the Krokosphinx, and Availing Hands is a level 55 spell given at the end of Wintertusk (a side-world you'll discover shortly). Both of these are heal-over-time spells, meaning that you'll gain a portion of your health back each round, over 3 rounds.

Bladestorm: Similar to the Balanceblade, this boosts your attack. It costs 1 pip to cast, and will put a 20% blade on ALL teammates.

Amulet Balanceblade or Hex: an enhanced version of your trained spells, only available from the Witch's Star amulet (a drop-item only available in a level 55+ dungeon in Wintertusk).

Cleanse Charm: a 0-pip Storm spell that removes one negative buff from yourself or a teammate.

Shatter: a Myth utility spell that costs 3 pips to cast. It doesn't do damage, but will remove ALL blades/shields from the enemy.

Dragonblade: an extremely-rare Balance spell that's only available in treasure-card form or as a pet item. It's a version of Balanceblade that boosts your next attack by 30%.

Earthquake: a rank 6 Myth spell that does 310 base damage and removes ALL buffs (positive and negative) from the enemy.


To tailor your deck properly, I'd need to know if you had access to Power Nova yet or not (which it doesn't sound like you do). So I'll do 2 versions for you:

Version #1

3 Power Nova
2 Balanceblade
1 Helping Hands
1 Bladestorm
1 Reshuffle

Version #2

3 Sandstorm
2 Balanceblade
1 Helping Hands
1 Bladestorm
1 Reshuffle

For both:

Treasure deck: 2 each of Amplify, Tower Shield, Colossal, Cleanse Charm, and Shatter.
Sideboard: any item cards, your wand strikes.

Hope this makes at least some sense. :P

Jul 31, 2012
That’s perfect. I just got Power Nova and my hydra is soon to hatch. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. I once had a cyclops that knew dragonblade that I got from some W101 card but I sold him. :( [I didn't know how much help he would have given me.] Hope I see you around again. I already see you post in many sections of the Message Board.

Feb 07, 2011
Disreputable wrote:
That’s perfect. I just got Power Nova and my hydra is soon to hatch. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. I once had a cyclops that knew dragonblade that I got from some W101 card but I sold him. :( [I didn't know how much help he would have given me.] Hope I see you around again. I already see you post in many sections of the Message Board.

No prob~ I'm always willing to lend my fellow sorcerers a hand, even if those hands aren't the Availing kind. ;)

If I'm not in-game, I'm either lurking in the forums or reading fan-fic fluff over at Central... We'll definitely cross paths again! And I'm sorry about your pet, but congrats on the Power Nova.!

Good luck, & see you in the Spiral!

the Archmage of Awesomeness :)

Jul 31, 2012
Um, I got one more question. I just reached Celestia last night and I now have access to the astral spells. I bought amplify and fortify from the Star school. What spells should I get from Sun?


-Keen Eyes?



-Accurate ?

Feb 07, 2011
Disreputable wrote:
Um, I got one more question. I just reached Celestia last night and I now have access to the astral spells. I bought amplify and fortify from the Star school. What spells should I get from Sun?


-Keen Eyes?



-Accurate ?

Hey~ you'll need to purchase all of them in order, to get colossal and gargantuan later on. If this means buying back your points, do it now~ it'll save you spending 12K crowns at level 80, like I did.

May 09, 2011
Disreputable wrote:
Um, I got one more question. I just reached Celestia last night and I now have access to the astral spells. I bought amplify and fortify from the Star school. What spells should I get from Sun?


-Keen Eyes?



-Accurate ?

Hi! Better train for sun school spells. Save training points so you may acquire Colossal later in Zafaria. Start with GiantThese cards enhances damage points of your hit cards.

You may also choose Keen Eyes for added accuracy, but much better if you can acquire up to extraordinary (+25% accuracy and +15% armor piercing). This enhancing card is very useful in PVP, if you are planning to play in PVP. Most of your opponents will have high resistance stats and this card may come in handy with Judgement spell.

But if you ain't gonna play PVP, train for vengeance for added critical hit chance. Now that you are reaching grand master level, you will now have the chance to gain critical hits, and with vengeance spell, your chances will increase.

In my opinion, don't waste training points for polymorphs, it may be cool but in the end you will find them useless. Better buy polymorph treasure cards than training for it. Good luck questing.

Valkoor Earthhammer
Archmage Sorcerer