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May 17, 2009
Feb 12, 2011
Because minions are their "'thing". (and all those double-hit attacks)

Why does life have so many healing spells?
Why does ice have so many shields?
Why does storm deal so, so much damage?

I could continue......

Each school has unique qualities. If they were all the same, it would be pretty boring, IMO

Sep 08, 2008
Myth is supposed to be a minion specialist. Therefore, being able to summon minions easier than any other school, and having such a wide variety of them.

However, that can easily be circumvented by other classes by simply keeping a small deck with maximum number of minion cards.

UNFORTUNATELY ... at later levels minions become rather impractical, and very inefficient. I am talking about Celestia+. Minions seem only viable during long boss fights against bosses that don't cheat. Myth recently got a new set of minion spells from Avalon, but those are so impractical and inefficient, that I don't even bother with them. Myth in my opinion, therefore, got the most useless spells of any school. And not just from Avalon.

So, in that sense, I guess even I could say that one minion would be enough. It would have made more sense to me, to have an X pip minion spell, instead of the Death school.

I love any "minion" class. But the way Myth develops throughout the game, especially in the later half, just, fills me with disappointment. Hence Storm being my personal favorite school to play.

Mar 06, 2010
Just like how ice get lots of shields, myth gets a lot of minions thats what there known for.

Jan 29, 2011
Well, it is true that myth has a lot of minions. But they don't really have the best ones. Personally, I think that even though death only has one minion spell (Animate), then there is a cost for some pips. They can cast a Death Incarnate that knows the death spells up to rank 7. That is, if you are full on pips and are all power pips. So, you would need 14 pips. I did it once against Orin Grimcaster, and well, I won so easily! Somehow, I think my Death Incarnate detected that the boss was death and used a death prism, and then the minion got the kill! Go death!

Shannon Deathglade
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming.

Sep 08, 2008
In my opinion, Animate is the most powerful and versatile minion to date.

At full power, even though you spend a good few rounds charging pips, the minion will have 1,400 health, cast spells like Scarecrow, Wraith, Vampire, Infection, Plague, etc etc, and also get his chance at power pips.

I would say the Ice Colossus minion from Ice is the most powerful minion in the game in terms of cheap cost and speed. Very frail, that minion will regularly cast Ice Bats and Ice Sharks, spells not even from it's own school. While all non-myth spells that the Cyclops used to know were promptly taken away.

I won't complain too much about Talos. Talos is powerful, casts Hex, spells up to Minotaur. I would say efficiency wise, Talos is one of the top ranking minions in the game. HOWEVER, players can not get him until level 55, while Animate can be gotten at around level 18 or so? So... I'd say minion advantage goes to Death.