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Amaranth in Wintertusk

May 27, 2011
On the WT quest line in Hrundle Fjord you have to get a certain herb called Amaranth. You aren't allowed to use the quest helper for this quest, and even though the guy you get it from says where it is, it isn't there! I want to finish WT really badly and have this one quest holding me back. Please help!

Jan 09, 2010
Jun 03, 2012
I have tried changing realms, I have looked everywhere and as far as I can tell the only place I see Amaranth is up on the ledge above where the long boat is docked, on the path towards Sudrilund. I cannot find a way into Sudrilund to get to the Amaranth, so if anyone has any more advice I would and I'm sure the wizard who started this topic would really appreciate it. You can't move forward in Wintertuck until you get this quest, it as everyone knows is part of the storyline quests.


Sarai Thundergrove, grandmaster pyromancer