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MEbership but no openchat?

Jun 14, 2009
I have a membership on my account, payed online by credit. But when I access parental controls All it says is: Filtered chat: Checkmark
True Friend Code: Checkmark
Gifting: Checkmark
but it doesn't say Openchat anywhere..I would be able to figure it out with the old lay out of "My accounts" but the new one confuses me :(
Please help!
Thanks. :)

Your account does not meet the age requirements for Open Chat.

There are 2 criteria to receive Open Chat (not Filtered Chat) on an account:

1) Your account must be set up with an age of 18 years old or older <-- your account does not meet this requirement.
2) You must have made a purchase on our site with a valid Credit Card.

This is KingsIsle’s policy and is in line with COPPA requirements & intent – we will not bend our policy or federal law to appease a player’s wants, nor will we make exceptions.

The filtered chat, which is available to your account (assuming it’s not found being abused), is entirely viable for enjoying Wizard101 gameplay. Open Chat does not allow any deviations from the Terms of Use, nor does it suddenly allow you to see other filtered chat users misspellings, etc. The net change in chat ability is nominal between the 2 options (filtered v open).
