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Open Chat Removes Priveledges

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
A bunch of people have asked me this question: What do you think is the best level 30 Balance robe? I always try to answer the Ordered Drape, but Drape always comes out as the typical ... when you have text chat. It happens also with:
Grape, Scrape, and more words. I understand that there is a bad word in them, but we wizards do have full access to the report button if wizards do say a bad word, so please change that.

Jan 24, 2009
That is a very hard question to ask for me becasue I don't have Text chat ( i want it bad) I cant really answer that one..
Olivia FireRunner
Death Level 45 :)

May 11, 2010
If you want text chat go to my accounts and turn it on :P

But i cant get open chat it wont let me select the check :( :( :( :( :(

Nov 26, 2011
I agree with this, I have open chat and since there is a bad word in there i cant say anything like Grape...but like in text chat it comes out normally?

Dec 10, 2008
As you know open chat is based on profanity and other inapporite language filter as text chat is based on profanity dictionary and other inapporite language filter.

Feb 24, 2009
It also happens with perhaps and infernal drape. Because well, there is a "word" in there.

Apr 15, 2012
eiop411 wrote:
If you want text chat go to my accounts and turn it on :P

But i cant get open chat it wont let me select the check :( :( :( :( :(

In order to get open chat, you need a membership. A membership obtained by prepaid WIZARD101 cards will be unable to allow the open chat function. I hope this helps.