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School only clothing??

Feb 23, 2009
I've been playing for about a month.. off and on, I'm at a level 12. What's the deal with "school only clothing"? Would it be best NOT to equip my wizard with items that state as such.. if I plan on battling bosses, monsters/creates.. etc? Will these clothes not help my wizard at all?

What's the point of these "school only clothes"? Any clarification would be nice. I've searched the forums for this question.. and I couldn't find any information.


Dec 02, 2008
If clothing is restricted to a particular school, that means only that particular school can use it. For example, if you're an ice wizard and a piece of gear is ice school only, to you, that restriction doesn't make a bit of difference. The same restriction would mean you couldn't use the gear at all if you were a storm wizard.