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Unable to report a bug still

Apr 20, 2011
When I try to report a bug, the web site says my email address is already in the database. When I try again, it says something about an invalid plan level.

I reported this problem here a while ago. It still hasn't been fixed. I remain paranoid that you deliberately don't want people to report problems.

I'm trying to report the dialogue errors in the Celestia Base Camp quest given by Edith Benchley "To the Solarium!" where all the dialogue is about the Solarium, but the loyal member is directed to the Crustacena Empire.

I'm certain I reported that problem over a half year ago, that that problem, too, remains unfixed.

What's the point?

1. Are you using Internet Explorer 7 or 8 or Firefox to contact support?
2. You can always just send an email to support@wizard101.com it does exactly the same thing as filling out the form on the website.
