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Defeat Prince Aka... how do I GET to prince Aka?

Feb 05, 2009
I've been trying for ages to reach Prince Aka Karanahn in the Karanahn Palace for the quest "Key to the Temple", but I can't get past the doors! I get inside the palace and then there are doors blocking entrance to both of the ways to get to Prince Aka. I can't figure it out. Could someone help me open the doors?

Aug 19, 2008
There are four battles. When you go in open the map in your spell book.

Go to the right and travel through the other areas completing each battle as you go. Evenutally you will come out that door you cannot get into.

Good luck!

Nov 20, 2008
you don't have to finish that quest to continue it's not a storyline quest
but you need to defeat a boss for each door to open tryy looking for them

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
If you head towards the right as you enter, you will see a 'Boss' standing there (with guard). Go in and 'ask' him to open the door. Then continue counterclockwise, as you encounter doors, 'ask' another Boss...until you get to the Prince.

Mar 09, 2009
I need help getting to prince Aka I read the post about fighting the other bosses to get to him but the doors leading to the other bosses won't LET me in someone please help me

Aug 19, 2008
There are no doors.

When you go in you are standing in a small hallway. Go right, see that small passageway? Go in there and that opens into a room. Go to your right and you will find an open room with 2 goons. Fight those two.

Coming out of that room go to your right, through the small passageway, and you are in a new hall. Stay right to the next small passageway. Repeat.

Eventually you will come out a door and if you go right and go out that door you are finished.

The layout is misleading.

Let me know how it goes...

Dec 31, 2008
The bosses are in the side chambers. Go around the map counter-clockwise. If you get to a locked door, it means you passed the boss for that door. Go back and look in the side chamber you passed. It is off the room with the pillars.