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XP points in arena

Jan 10, 2009
Why do we not get xp points in the arena? it just confuses me. we get xp points for everything else and why not the arena?! I think it would be really nice ot have it there!

Nov 05, 2008
Mariexz wrote:
Why do we not get xp points in the arena? it just confuses me. we get xp points for everything else and why not the arena?! I think it would be really nice ot have it there!

the reason there is no xp points is it is for fun and learning that we go to the arena, not to level or quest and helping others is for that. plus once you reach the level cap you will see what i mean lol enjoy the battles as they are look forward to killing you in the arena, or you killing me

Jan 10, 2009