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My Mannequin Ate My Clothes!

Mar 13, 2011
Hi! I made a mannequin on my Legendary Storm for my level 44 Balance wizard. So on my Balance I had the little Marleybone house, and decorated it (including using the mannequin.) I had been helping a friend with Malistaire a little bit before I made the mannequin, and got the level 50 Balance robe and gave it to my balance and put it on my mannequin. A week or two later I bought the Myth School house, so I went to my Marleybone house to get my furniture. I was to lazy to pick up all the items individually so I used the "Pick Up All Items" button. I went to my new house and put my mannequin in my backpack then my house, and I really didnt notice at first until my friend said "Um Katie why is your mannequin naked? o_o" I was like What? and I saw the clothes were GONE! I almost had a panick attack! I had helped my friend for hours before trying to help her get that robe for her balance account, thats why I freaked out.

I checked in my Backpack, Bank, Shared Bank, and even the smallest possibility that it was in my attic. Please help! I have contacted Wizard101 two times before and they wont respond. I just want my robe back :(

Katie SeaBreeze Legendary Storm
Katie Level 44 Balance

Mar 18, 2009
Wizards before were using that very same concept to use an exploit to get NO TRADE items to other wizards on their account. It is likely that the system "ate" your Balance clothes, because of those restrictions. If your Balance robe is in fact no where in your equipment, then you will need to keep waiting for KI to get to your ticket and possibly refund your robe.

Mar 13, 2011
kingurz wrote:
Wizards before were using that very same concept to use an exploit to get NO TRADE items to other wizards on their account. It is likely that the system "ate" your Balance clothes, because of those restrictions. If your Balance robe is in fact no where in your equipment, then you will need to keep waiting for KI to get to your ticket and possibly refund your robe.

Okay! Thanks :)

We're looking in to this x3Katie as it really shouldn't 'eat' your clothes.

You mentioned the level 50 balance robe, but do you recall the other items you had on the mannequin and whether or not any of the items were stitched? It will help us determine why the items seemed to have stayed in your attic instead of staying with the mannequin.

Thank you!

Feb 25, 2011
I'm sorry, but what mannequin are you talking about and where can I get one?

Anyways, random stuff like this happens all the time. I'm sure they'll get it back eventually. ;)

Apr 20, 2009
Jul 10, 2009
cookiejar42 wrote:
I'm sorry, but what mannequin are you talking about and where can I get one?

Anyways, random stuff like this happens all the time. I'm sure they'll get it back eventually. ;)
you get the mannequin from the initiate crafter in marleybone, but you also have to be an initiate crafter to.

-Blaze Duskstone legendary conjurer