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regent square cat and krocatopia beetles

Jun 12, 2011
I found all the cats including regent square cat, but my quest page in my spell book still shows to look for regent squared cat. I can't receive my experience points because of this.

Same thing with the krocatopia beetles (tomb of storms) I have found, but not showing recognition in my quests page of my spell book.

very frustrated about my experience points not awarded.

Jul 27, 2011
icedragonboi wrote:
I found all the cats including regent square cat, but my quest page in my spell book still shows to look for regent squared cat. I can't receive my experience points because of this.

Same thing with the krocatopia beetles (tomb of storms) I have found, but not showing recognition in my quests page of my spell book.

very frustrated about my experience points not awarded.

Some places have more than one cat/beetle.

For example, regent square has 2-3 cats (forgot how many).
As for the beetle, just keep searching. I found all the beetles now and am working on finding the cats.

Then of course, once you do find all of them, report back to Prospector Zeke in that world.

Seth NightFlame Level 30 Pyromancer (If you find me, I will show you were the beetle is).

May 20, 2010
Go back to each and run over them again. If that doesn't work, something is corrupted, and you should send a ticket in to Support.