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amout of XP recieved in Dragonspyre

Jan 08, 2009
normally i dont get annoyed with the amount of xp we get for quests, cause usually they are reasonable. however... i was doing a quest in dragonspyre's grand chasm for Edrik's vault and all the xp it gave me for fighting what 14 guys? in 7 rooms is 620 xp. that is like what you get for fighting a boss in wizard city - except one guy equals two bosses from wizard city in life points. can someone explain to me why this is? cause after that he gives you 1940 and a ring just for turning on a crystal portal? it makes me feel like i am being shorted. it is a lot of work fo very little pay off it seems. not to mention i had to use all three of my potions to make it through all the rooms and now i either have to buy them back which costs about 3 or 4 thousand gold at my level or i have to play three rounds of minigames to get them back up so there is even more work. WHHHHHHY?! *cries*

also i was thinking, they raised the amout of damage in a duel cause it took so long to finish the fight, doesnt the same apply to a tower in dragonspyre? it is kinda a time-consumer whew! :)

Dec 02, 2008
justjosh76 wrote:
all the xp it gave me for fighting what 14 guys? in 7 rooms is 620 xp. that is like what you get for fighting a boss in wizard city

Trolling for a Tunic is the only Wizard City quest (that is, doable without travelling to another world) that gives more than 355 experience.

From what you say, it sounds like one long quest gives a little bit of experience, while its follow-up gives a lot. Would it be better if the follow-up gave 1000 less experience while the previous quest gave 1000 more?

Regardless, if you get to level 50 by the end of Dragonspyre, that's the level cap, so that's plenty of experience from quests.