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Hatching Problem

Apr 19, 2010
Today I hatched a unicorn with a helephant today. (I had the helephant.) And i got another helephant . I hatched my helephant with a hydra and I still got a helephant :x . I stopped hatching because of this. I was looking forward to new pets. Now I have about 20 helephants. Can someone tell me why this is happening. I want more pets than just helephants.

Oct 04, 2009
i think its a 50% chance of getting a new pet and only with certan pet combos though i have tried two times and had the same result as you so idk whats going on and i am as mad as you are

Jan 23, 2009
lol ok two fails and that is it?
People farm for gold so they can hatch because they cost alot and fails are more common than not.

Jan 21, 2010
Who told you the chance was even 50%? As far as I can tell the chance is much lower. There are dozens of posts in the pet section where people complain about hatching the proper pets over and over and always getting a repeat instead of a hybrid. I read about one poor soul who had hatched 50 times and still didn't have a hybrid. At the time I had thought he was exaggerating, but now I know better.

I believe the purpose of hatching is to build improved pets, hoping the parent pets will pass on high pedigree, certain talents, and high max stat numbers. Hybrids are a nice bonus, but I really believe they were not meant to be the goal of the hatching process. After all hybrid pets are not any better than their parents, well they look cool and you do get bragging rights, but game-play wise they aren't any better.
On the other hand, perhaps it is just a devious way to get people to continue to play the game. You keep renewing your subscription and continue to gather hatching gold from selling boss drops at the bazaar. In this fashion KI can boast a large player base.