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Prices on some snacks need to be fixed...

May 10, 2010
Glowing Taffy is a rank 5 snack,
Glowing Star Fruit also rank 5 snack,
Delicious Cookie is also a rank 5 snack,
Spicy Drumstick is also a rank 5 snack,
Strawberry Shortcake is another rank 5 snack,

These snacks can sell for as little as 63 gold...

Now, by observation, snacks sell in this order,
Rank 1 = 50 gold
Rank 2 = 100 gold
Rank 3 = 150 gold
Rank 4 = 200 gold
Rank 5 snacks should then sell for no less than 250...
Rank 6 = 300 gold

Now, this is the least amount they sell for, if the bazaar already has max, so please fix these snacks to the prices they should be... Thank you!

May 20, 2010
The Bazaar is based on supply and demand. The rarer an item, the more it costs.

May 10, 2010
Colagada, I understand the concept of supply and demand, thank you for your response, however. Take a look at rank 1 snacks... They sell for 50 gold, even if there is a full stock of them... Rank 2 snacks sell for 100, even if there is 100 of them, Rank 3 sell for 150, Rank 4 sell for 200, that is with the Bazaar having a full load of them...

Now, the snacks I have mentioned, are Rank 5, should sell for 250, even with there being 100 of them, however, they do not, they sell for 63 gold or a little more...

I know you like to be helpful, but please read and understand what the author is stating before you post, because your reply is not helpful.

This is an issue and needs to be fixed... No, it may not be a high priority issue, but still needs to be fixed...

May 22, 2009
How is this an issue? Does a few measly gold pieces matter?

Those snacks are great for the people who train pets, especially the glowing star fruits. If they give you more money for those snacks, they would have to sell them for more. Many people, including me, like the idea of getting REASONABLY priced rank 5 snacks. The price should not be raised just because someone who doesn't train pets feels they are cheated out of a such a little amount of gold.

Hannah Lifebringer level 60 Life

Jan 23, 2009
Yea I agree, this really is a non issue. The second post is right you can only sell the snacks at the bazaar or snack shop. The snack shop has set prices for buy backs and the Bazaar relies NOT on level but the rarity. no matter the level if I come in with a snack that is rarely sold or bought it will go for the best price.

It doesnt always "need to be fixed" just because it makes sense to you. There are other ways of doing things and this is theirs.

I could be misunderstanding but thats what it looks like you are saying so that is what i am responding to.