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Warlords vs. Corporal (etc.)

Feb 04, 2010
Hi everybody :D
I know the ranked and non-ranked pvp stations
pick randomly through the matches but, when I get stuck
with a Warlord or Captain while I'm only a Corporal, it's not cool.
I don't like losing PvP and I'm very competitive.
If I do a 2v2 with a friend and my friend is a Warlord I don't mind, but
me fighting a Warlord by myself, not happening.

the Thaumaturge, Jinxx 8)

Jul 21, 2009
it's just points there gear does not change or does there stats so i don't see why you can't.

Feb 04, 2010
redmist01 wrote:
it's just points there gear does not change or does there stats so i don't see why you can't.

Dear redmist01,
Maybe I am not making my point clear.
Warlords know how to play the game. They know what moves they're going to play by heart and they usually know how you're going to play your cards. They usually figure out your school WAY before you figure out theirs and they are more advanced players that know what they're doing.
Hope that made my point exact.

The Thaumaturge, Jinxx 8)

Mar 07, 2009
i get battle with Warlord and i'm a private because i never get on PVP ranked matchs

Blaze Gem- Level 47 soon to be Grandmaster Pryomancer

Oct 04, 2009
Okay be for going into this i want to make something kinda clear
i can NOT pvp
i see what you mean i have gone agenist a bunch of warlords in 3vs3 me my sister and my friend where fighting warlords and there was this kid who was telling the other team all our stats what i am trying to say is there are some people who will do most anything for rank there was also a time when a girl payed a friend to flee a pvp they gave them gold cards that shocked everyone
In pvp you have to bring your A game but more importently you have to fing the chinks in there armer i dont think KI should break up those matches such as corparalvswarlords because from them you lurn you lurn what works and what does not
look i could be wrong about this but from reading books, watching pvp and advise from other warlords this seems to be how this kind of thing works and insted of being upset that you lose i think you should figer out why you lost and lurn
your friend Elizabeth FireBreath

Mar 28, 2009
Rachael125 wrote:
redmist01 wrote:
it's just points there gear does not change or does there stats so i don't see why you can't.

Dear redmist01,
Maybe I am not making my point clear.
Warlords know how to play the game. They know what moves they're going to play by heart and they usually know how you're going to play your cards. They usually figure out your school WAY before you figure out theirs and they are more advanced players that know what they're doing.
Hope that made my point exact.

The Thaumaturge, Jinxx 8)

And if you dont know they have beast gear from diego and stuff and can get up to like 45 resist almost a tower and not only that but more stats :?