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Game Started Freezing on me today

Aug 01, 2009
I have been playing wintertusk non stop since it came out- and today I was at my death house trying to revive my plants, and the game froze on me.. I can't perform any actions on my plants, and I can't go inside my house- can't even log out.. This just started happening about 20 minutes ago- it was fine until then.. Says error for wizardgrahpics something.. anyone having freezing problems and stuff not loading right?

Nov 22, 2010
jakehjk3 wrote:
I have been playing wintertusk non stop since it came out- and today I was at my death house trying to revive my plants, and the game froze on me.. I can't perform any actions on my plants, and I can't go inside my house- can't even log out.. This just started happening about 20 minutes ago- it was fine until then.. Says error for wizardgrahpics something.. anyone having freezing problems and stuff not loading right?

reboot your machine.

Turn it off all the way and leave it off for a full minute, then turn it on and run your windows defragment tool. And run clean up too. Then reboot again and THEN try to reload the client and log in.