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What determines who goes first when battling monst

Sep 07, 2008
Is it purely random who gets to go first, or is there a way to influence it?

Sometimes I have a very high success rate, other times, doing what I think is the same thing, I end up going second.

Can someone clarify the rules of engagement?


Cody MoonWeave

Feb 17, 2009
peterspeeder wrote:
Is it purely random who gets to go first, or is there a way to influence it?

Sometimes I have a very high success rate, other times, doing what I think is the same thing, I end up going second.

Can someone clarify the rules of engagement?


Cody MoonWeave

I notice more on Boss fights where the Boss will hit you 2 to 1..Meaning The Boss goes first either he fights or pass.Then it is your turn.What happens here once you select your card you have to wait again before you can use the said card.The Boss goes again either he will fight or pass..Then after 2 rounds you can use your card that you pick in the 1st round..So it 2 to 1 in the Bosses favor.