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I need some help please.

Apr 01, 2011
first off i'm level 21 ice....
My problem is I dont know which spell to use. yesterday I use the guy in the coffin and the guy playing beside me yelled no! then took off..I tried to sayI was sorry becuse I dont know really howto play but he was so mad he didnt listen. I need to know what spell should not be played when another school is joined in...last week I was playing with a guy that was life and i use a minon that looked like a lttle wooden boy and he told me it took all of his shields. I want to be a good team player....and its really hard when you cant open chat. so help please.

May 20, 2010
Your minion will not harm the shields of anybody on your side of the combat circle. Whoever told you that is full of baloney.

There are a lot of people who have the "my kill" mentality. Nobody owns an enemy. Anybody can cast any spell at any enemy they choose.

As for general tips, the best advice is to use common sense.

Jan 30, 2011
You didn't mention what world you were playing in, but assuming you were in a battle meant for your level, I don't see the problem. I think you ran across someone taking this game a little too seriously. As you progress, the bosses start getting so big that layers of traps have to be applied to multiply an attack. If you use up someone's traps with a low-powered spell it can irritate. This is more common if you are playing above your level in a world you teleported to but in which you don't have regular access. When someone says they have the boss it probably means they have or will have a trap on the boss and will follow up with a large attack spell. Don't be too concerned about any of this, just play and have fun!

Mar 18, 2009
freedomrings wrote:
first off i'm level 21 ice....
My problem is I dont know which spell to use. yesterday I use the guy in the coffin and the guy playing beside me yelled no! then took off..I tried to sayI was sorry becuse I dont know really howto play but he was so mad he didnt listen. I need to know what spell should not be played when another school is joined in...last week I was playing with a guy that was life and i use a minon that looked like a lttle wooden boy and he told me it took all of his shields. I want to be a good team player....and its really hard when you cant open chat. so help please.

In your "little wooden boy" scenario, that life wizard got angry that your minion was using up all the traps the life player was setting down. The golem minion casts all the 1 pip spells from each school, therefore has a good chance to activate other's traps.

The guy in the coffin is the Death school vampire spell and likely activated a death trap (if the person you grouped with was death) or activated a universal or global trap.

It is ridiculous, that those players would not explain this to you and just simply get mad. It's really not that big of a deal, but good "Wizretiquette" asks that you attempt to not use up other's traps (unless that is your group plan). Especially for death wizards since they rely on more damage for more healing. However, in the end, if the enemies are defeated who cares?

Aug 12, 2009
Is open chat not an option for you? It really does help.

I enjoy helping people and would be glad to show you the ropes. What time/world do you usually play?

Devin Darksong – lvl 60 Death
Digby Darksong – lvl 60 Life
Duncan Darksong –lvl 60 balance
Dylan Darksong –lvl 59 Storm
Dustan Darksong –lvl 60 Myth
Dolan Darksong –lvl 60 Ice