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benefits of going second

May 25, 2009
When you go second, the opponent is scared to when a spell is going to come.
In 2v2 or higher, if you go second, you beat the wizard and all of his pips are gone. If someone goes first in 2v2 play, they beat your teammate. But on the same turn, you heal them, they get all of their pips back.
And those are the benefits of going second

Sep 26, 2009
kevinhuynh2 wrote:
When you go second, the opponent is scared to when a spell is going to come.
In 2v2 or higher, if you go second, you beat the wizard and all of his pips are gone. If someone goes first in 2v2 play, they beat your teammate. But on the same turn, you heal them, they get all of their pips back.
And those are the benefits of going second

Ok well i dont have anything against going second but here are some advantages of going first in as you said 2v2 or higher:

- dispel attacks before they come (in the round other team attacks you can dispel them and they cant attack)
- shield in time for the attack
- can get one turn for a non shielded blade (if the people dont know what school you are and shield for some other school you can have 1 turn to trap/blade without them shielding - more for storm cause everyone spams those shields)
- Can tell better if other team is going to attack and you can be prepared (#'s 1 and 2)
- can chain stun
- attack them before they attack you (say it is all lvl 60's in a 4v4, they all wait till they have 4 pips, they all attack in an attack all spell, first team kills second team before second team has chance to attack)
- Even if first attacks dont kill usually people dont randomly heal their teammates or themselves (you attack then they attack and you attack again meaning you basically get 2 turns to kill someone)

Just pointing out there are probably more things that can be added but yet again i have nothing against going second in pvp. I think most people would prefer to go first but someone has to go second so thanks for pointing out the good side of being second.

May 01, 2010
Spiritshadow wrote:
kevinhuynh2 wrote:
When you go second, the opponent is scared to when a spell is going to come.
In 2v2 or higher, if you go second, you beat the wizard and all of his pips are gone. If someone goes first in 2v2 play, they beat your teammate. But on the same turn, you heal them, they get all of their pips back.
And those are the benefits of going second

Ok well i dont have anything against going second but here are some advantages of going first in as you said 2v2 or higher:

- dispel attacks before they come (in the round other team attacks you can dispel them and they cant attack)
- shield in time for the attack
- can get one turn for a non shielded blade (if the people dont know what school you are and shield for some other school you can have 1 turn to trap/blade without them shielding - more for storm cause everyone spams those shields)
- Can tell better if other team is going to attack and you can be prepared (#'s 1 and 2)
- can chain stun
- attack them before they attack you (say it is all lvl 60's in a 4v4, they all wait till they have 4 pips, they all attack in an attack all spell, first team kills second team before second team has chance to attack)
- Even if first attacks dont kill usually people dont randomly heal their teammates or themselves (you attack then they attack and you attack again meaning you basically get 2 turns to kill someone)

Just pointing out there are probably more things that can be added but yet again i have nothing against going second in pvp. I think most people would prefer to go first but someone has to go second so thanks for pointing out the good side of being second.

either team can chain stun you know. other than that i gotta agree to ya there, but here is another advantage.

60vs60 1v1 one is getting ready to do his/her lvl 58 spell(not ice or death) you put a tower shield on, thus, making the oppoment want to get that off so they can do max damage and gives a turn for you to do your 53 spell. this was used against me once