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Secret room in karanahn palace

Feb 25, 2011
Ok, so a relative and I had been passing through a door together and I teleported to her. This action threw me into a room with 4 levers, a gate which comes down, and obelisks with birds on them if I'm remembering correctly.

I did some searching on the internet and found that others had somehow ended up here as well, but they too had no idea what to do in this room and tried everything to solve the problem.

Will one of the moderators PLEASE give us some advice, because apparently no one's figured it out yet. Or is this some type of joke? Mods, please respond~

May 20, 2010
It's probably an area that was never added to the quest. The puzzle isn't linked to any game action. It's a "dead end" or "red herring", as you wish.

Dec 21, 2008
I remember that I teleported to a friend and I ended up in a circular storm room. I remember that the room had no exits, and I was trapped there. I remember some levers I think, but I am not sure. Respond to me if this is the room you are talking about.

-Blaze Darkvault 48 ice

Jun 07, 2010
I had that problem to!
Well in KT your supposed to defeat the laddie at the end of KT. That room is part of the dungeon.Its at the end. My friend did it and then he ported to the Oasis and whispered to me: I am done with KT! YAY!. So I figured it was part of the last dungeon If you have any friends who have already done KT and that dungeon ask them about it. Hope this helped! :-)

Miranda SandStone level 25 Life :-)