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Some things I think need addressed...

Jan 17, 2011
Hey I am loving the game so far and I found it more affordable for me to do both the subscription and the crown buying plans for advancing further into Wizards 101. What I am a little irked at is that I have seem countless times on the website that both Subscriptions and Crown paying customers would get the same experience and benefits. I have even seen in posts where the admins have said that they want to treat their Subscribers the same as their Pay-per-area people.

So if that is the case why do people who Subscribe get more benefits then those who pay-per-area. Their energy refills faster, they get larger backpacks, their crafting refill timers will refill faster, and many other benefits. If I am not mistaken both parties are paying for the same game, so why cater to just one side. I felt that one of the huge benefits to Wizard 101 was that I could play it and not have to worry about renewing a subscription and playing at my own pace while still getting the same game and experience as everyone else.

Just something I wanted to inquire about, also I wanted to reports a few bugs I found while playing today:
- The Lighting elf's textures only appear as red blocks. The animation still plays out, but everything is just red blocks during the attack.
- Satyr's rainbow when he does the backflip is also only red blocks, everything else about the animation is fine.
- The Treeant enemies are still having clipping issues when throwing their rocks. It appears they have telekinesis when throwing them because their hands don't actually grab the rocks themselves.

Just wanted to point them out! Love the game!

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
If you total the costs of paying per area and compare it to a player who subscribes for a second year you will see a major difference. In order to thank those people who are willing to pay more to support a game they love, a few crumbs are tossed their way.

Jun 13, 2009
I think the subscriber vs crowns player issue has been adequately explained. Review the update notes and check other areas of the forum where the same question has been asked and answered.

Subscribers by virture of their subscripion have authorised KingsIsle to charge their credit cards for the same sum of money for a new subscription when their current plan expires. To that end, Ki felt that based on the obligation placed upon subscribers, they should be afforded certain benefits.

Crown players on the other hand, are at liberty to dispense with their crowns as they see fit. Additionally, if you have already bought the game with crowns then you don't need to subscribe. Therefore, it would not be fair for you to have the same benefits as someone who is actively subscribing every month.

In all fairness, if i subscriber do not renew his/her subscription then such privialges afforded under the subscription will be revoked. So the playing field is level where all is concerned.

No use arguing over crowns vs subscription when they both cost the same, except one creates an obligation on you. If you want the benefits, subscribe. You are not paying more or less but you will get more. Problem solved.

Send a Dialog or DBX log or whatever it's call to KI vis-avis the red out animations.