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Sorcerers Unknown???

May 24, 2010
Isn't it a little unfair that Balance is the least known school? i know it originated in KT, but really? for example, in Ravenwood, close to the tunnel to the Commons, there are all the school plaques on the ground, except balance. also, Balance doesn't have its own plaque, designed like the death, fire etc. We don't have our own shield, our own tower, we don't even know who our actual Balance teacher is! all we know is that there are 2, the guy in Ravenwood, and the krok in the actual Balance school! i know new death wizards can't reach their school and tower until they finish Firecat Alley, Cyclops Lane, Triton Ave., and Collosus Boulevard, but they get so much more than us sorcerers!
Jordan NightDreamer lvl 31
Proudly a Balance Wizard

Nov 14, 2010
I know how you feel fellow Balance wizard.It is practicly offending that in the library Balances banner is missing,plus in the Meet the teachers button on the site it says nothing about balance.THIS IS AN OUTRAGE

Jan 30, 2011
This is pretty annoying. I almost decided to start a different wizard because it seems that the actual history and true teacher of balance, like the school, is 'underground'. They should condense the teacher into one, preferably in Ravenwood after level 22, because some pay-by-areas may not even be able to get to their school after that level, which makes me mad . Storyline is one of my favorite things about this game, and it is good to know the past as well as the present about the magic you are practicing (as any good fantasy bookworm should know ). KI, please consider bringing balance into a greater light!