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quest arrow problem

Oct 09, 2010
ok so on some quests like the clean house one by wei pei in mooshu it says the arrow is on but i cant see it

May 02, 2009
Dec 31, 2010
This happens to me sometimes, too.

Try looking under "keyboard shortcuts" on the website, there is one for turning quest helper on and off--I think it's "T", but I'm not completely sure... sorry. I would recommend looking. ;)

Sincerely, Amber Dragonblade - Ice

Oct 23, 2010
Sometimes, on certain quests, you will not see a quest arrow to assist you in a particular quest - even though you have the quest helper activated. In these instances, you will have to rely on the map to help you find & get to who/what you are looking for.

You can usually tell if the quest helper is allowed for particular quests or not by going into the quest section of your spell book and clicking on any particular quest. If an arrow appears on the upper left hand side of the quest, the quest helper arrow is active for that quest. Otherwise, you will see a pop up stating that the quest helper is not allowed for that quest. Be SURE to have the quest helper activated by pressing the "Control" button & the letter "T".

Common examples where the quest helper can not be used would be for Zeke's quests & the History books quests in the various worlds. Every world seems to have a few other quests that you will have to find on your own using the map, as well.

I hope this helps. :-)

Oct 09, 2010
Jan 08, 2011
razm wrote:
ok so on some quests like the clean house one by wei pei in mooshu it says the arrow is on but i cant see it
i had that problem too! dont worry i eventually got it back soon when i switched quests