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How to win 4v4 (Legendary)

Jan 25, 2009
Here is a unique way on how to win 4v4 with legendary wizards.

Normally, you need the following wizards.

1. Storm (or fire, but I'd rather storm)
2. Life
3. Ice
4. Balance

Now, i know that all schools have the same strength when it comes to it, but this is normally the style to win.
ROUND ONE: Help your teammates
Lets say you've gone first.

YOU MUST tower shield the life wizard, and the storm wizard. Without the life wizard, there's no healing, and without the storm wizard, there's no strong attacks. The life wizard should use a healing blade, for a good rebirth, and the storm wizard, should blade itself.

ROUND 2: Build up power.

You should have six power pips by now. The balance wizard should triple blade itself, or it should help one of its teammates with it. The storm wizard should put a bubble, and the ice wizard's goal should be to tower, or shield itself (if necessary), or to help out the storm by putting a critical boost on him. The life wizard, put a regular life blade, or something like that.


Nows the chance. Use storm lord, Snow Angel, Ra, and forest lord. Did the storm wizard critical? Good. They should be close to finished now. Your opponents should attack by now,too. Lucky for you, two of the wizards on your side shielded.

ROUND 4: Heal yourself, and finish this up.

By now, you should be back to one power pip (sigh). No problem. Just blade up, and maybe critical boost on the life wizard, for a big heal. When you guys have seven pips, heal. Rebirth should do it, and if the life wizard did a critical, you're in GREAT shape. Use attacks like power nova, storm lord, and frost giant. They should be dead by now.

Hope this helps some of you privates go up by rank.

:-) Justin Titanwraith, Legendary Pyromancer :-)