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Turning off needs of plants during maint.

Mar 21, 2010

I am a little upset by this maintenance period or lock-out of our homes because I just know that almost like anything else, when we are able to gain access back into our homes, our gardens and/or plants are going to be going nuts with pests and needs. I sure hope that KI thinks about these things before, during and after periods of maintenance. I was set to harvest my plants during this period!

Time is still passing for your plants. During this maintenance your plants will only degrade one 'level' of health.

If your plant was healthy the last time you logged in, it will either still be healthy or it will have needs and pests when you log in tomorrow.

If your plant had needs and pests the last time you logged in, it will either still have those needs and pests, or it will be wilted.

If your plant was wilted the last time you logged in, it will either still be wilted or it will be dead.

If your plant was dead the last time you logged in, well, it's still dead. Sorry.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jun 01, 2009
i think i speak for all when i say WHY! seriously we have no control over maintenence, and now i have to get 4 silver trumpet vines to adult again and they only needed like a little more to get to elder. now this is a MAJOR letdown to me. I know there is probably no way but i'm pretty sure while you people are repairing you could afford to do some tinkering with it. Plus since you made it back to 8:00 a.m. what are the kids who play in wherever cst is gonna do? To me it just sounds like i am working a little hard and not getting enough pay for my plalnt! well thanks for listening

Aug 15, 2009
With due respect Mr. Zeke that is not true even though that may be the goal of programming. There are several plants on my account (due to economics we share the same account in our house) that were healthy as of wednesday morning and now are on the dead list and there are nowhere near enough training points on most wizard things to make up for that.
Gardening is a good addition to the game and i for one appreciate the efforts of KI for coming out with it. There are no howevers.
Unfortuanately it seems a handfull or a bucketfull of people taken advantage of some exploit (again) and for this everyone is gonna pay for that. And I say again because the Jade Oni hasnt been the same since the ride fiasco which he is still crying gogi berry juice and his drops prove that.
If i may respectfully submit a couple possible solutions to the situation?
1. extend the degeneration of the plants so it doesnt seem to be a death race to get online and take care of them.
2. Offer a reward of crowns (say 5000 or so) to the FIRST wizard that reports an exploit or bug that deteriorates or threatens to degenerate the playability (and especially the profitability) of the game. Yes profit matters or why get out of bed right?
Thanks for listening and hopefully understanding that not everyone is at the gate with a pitch fork and torches, but even the most understanding ones can get discouraged.

Feb 16, 2009
Agreed. My Elvis Parsley was almost wilted when I got back on! And the plants I had that were as healthy as a happy piggle, were wilted! I was like, "What happened!" . I mean, can't you stop time when you are doing maintence. It gets my brother on his last nerve when his plants are dead or wilted.

"Even though we fizzle, our spells still sizzle!"


Nov 06, 2010
I, someone who does not like to complain, agree. This maintenance caused my first wilt ever! I had a perfect line, and that caused my last plant (Deadly Ninja Fig) of 32 (1 of every plant except a Giving Tree ) in a garden to have to restart! Plant needs SHOULD be off during times of maintenance.

Jared SilverShard, Level 60 Thaumaturge
Jared TitanBlood, Level 30 Conjurer

Sep 11, 2010
"Plant needs SHOULD be off during times of maintenance. "

Sorry disagree.

Plant needs should be OFF when not logged in.
Mount and crafting timers should be OFF when not logged in.
Energy Bulb and health refilling should be OFF when not logged in.

Nothing, positive or negative, should occur with your wizard if it is NOT logged in. All clocks and timers in this game should be changed so that they are based upon hours of play, not real world time.

Solves tons of problems and is an absolutely painless way of preventing real life school/work schedule changes, hospital stays, vacations, weddings and funerals, and other unplannable events from affecting the game.