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finding truffula leaves for cyrus drake

Mar 22, 2010
Please help, Cyrus has sent me to get truffula leaves at the hedge maze but not allowed to talk to Oriel. Where are they, have searched maze and cannot locate them.

Feb 01, 2010
suman36 wrote:
Please help, Cyrus has sent me to get truffula leaves at the hedge maze but not allowed to talk to Oriel. Where are they, have searched maze and cannot locate them.
ok one your supposed to talk to lady oriel and 2 there are no such thig as truffula leaves he's just playing a mean trick on you

May 20, 2010
If I remember, you have to actually walk around in the maze and look for the leaves to get a prompt to talk to Lady Oriel. Then she'll send you on to the next task.

Feb 06, 2010
suman36, i have a lvl 13 or so myth wizard, so i can tell you that Cyrus is pulling your lrg. There ARE no truffula leaves. Go to the hedge maze, and speak with Oriel. Eventually you will be directed to Ivan, the myth tree. he will give you some of his leaves so you can turn in the "Truffula leaves" and receive your card.