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Dryad from Life School

Nov 11, 2010
Life is my second school. I would like the dryad spell which is a life spell at about level 38. am i eligible for it since life is 2nd not 1st school?

May 15, 2009
The answer is no.
the only way to earn dryad is to have life as your main school which means having to start a new character. at level 38 you will get the new spell for your main school of focus

Feb 15, 2009
lolliwhelan wrote:
Life is my second school. I would like the dryad spell which is a life spell at about level 38. am i eligible for it since life is 2nd not 1st school?
No you will only get a spell at level 38 from your primary school of focus by talking to your school professor. You may obtain dryad treasure cards or earn the spell through gear.

Apr 12, 2009
Only theurgists can learn dryad at level 38, its restricted to that school. Another way to have dryad is to get a treasure card form of it or a pet that gives dryad though. You wont actually be able to learn it if you're not life though.

Apr 02, 2010
The answer is yes and no.

No, you can't train it.

Yes, you can get items that give you a blue Dryad item card. A Crowns hat available on Mooshu can get you the spell, several Dragon pets from gift cards have the spell, and there may be another Crowns item. Your plain old dragons do not, by the way.

I have a Life and after I got my Forest Lord, Dryad came out of the deck. It only comes back in if the monster is Ice AND and I am playing with others that have damage-over-time spells; they are much better at dealing with Tower Shield than Life is. (Use your wand if comes up, maybe throw in few Leprechauns).

Remember, Dryad is an X pip spell, so all your pips will be gone. And since Life is not your school, that max you can get is "7", or 7 * 225 or 7*200, depending upon which you get. You can boost it with Guiding Light Treasure cards, certain rings and athames, and the Troll Ear pendant, available at the Bazaar at ridiculous prices or very reasonable at Marleybone.

Dryad is mostly a desperation spell for any school other than Life.

You should really consider your thinking about a secondary school. In my opinion you are much better off thinking what 0 or 1 pip spells from other schools can you take advantage of, for instance, Tower Shield from Ice, Weakness from Balance, Feint from Death, Element Blade, Spirit Blade, Infection (Death) if you PvP. Maybe Fire Elf to remove Tower Shields, but really, you already crossed a line there, if you are at level 50 or more, you have a hard time justifying the spells from other schools almost all of the time. In the case of Fire Elf, if all you have is two yellow pips, you can probably do more damage using it then the Fire Elf would. The only spell I can think of is Tempest, from Storm, which hits everyone with 80*x, which of course you can't train for but you can get an amulet for at like level 52 or so.