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Frozen quest helper arrow

Nov 21, 2010
My quest helper arrow is frozen. It won't count down steps or show direction to go. What can I do to fix this?

Mar 12, 2010
krazejs wrote:
My quest helper arrow is frozen. It won't count down steps or show direction to go. What can I do to fix this?

There is nothing you can do. It is a bug that they are working on. Sometimes the quest helper arrow works okay, but sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes the arrow doesn't show on the screen at all.

Mr. Lincoln said that you should send an e-mail to support@wizard101.com. Explain the problem to them, and they would like to know the name of the quest (or quests) that you were working on when you had the problem so they can look into it.

Give them your username and character name too.

Hope this helps.