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Suggestions and a question

Community Leader

1. I would love the option of disabling/enabling friend requests at will. Sometimes, just running through the Commons, a person can get a bunch of random friend requests. I prefer having a small group of friends that I've already quested with and I don't want to be rude by constantly turning people down.

2. I would like the option of abandoning quests. In in order to find the beetle in the Emperor's Retreat, I had to start that quest all over again. And, even after finding the beetle, had to keep working on the quest until it fell of my list or it would have been there taking up space forever.

3. It would be fantastic if we could...
a. Change Hairstyles /color
b. Customize Clothing

The hairstyles thing is self-explanatory. By customizing clothing, I would LOVE to be able to chose specific pieces and match them to attributes!

Say I wanted a top hat, but the hat I need for my level and requirements only comes in a tricorn. What if the shop offered a variety of hat styles that could be matched with a variety of attributes? The more impressive the attributes the bigger the price. Does that make sense?

Lastly, a question; What happens if somebody reports you and you haven't done anything?

Last night, while I was collecting my experience points for a quest, somebody did just that. I wasn't using chat or interacting with anyone (except the NPC.) I can only assume that whomever reported me was offended by my new character's last name, "Thunderpants". Sure, it may be childish, but I thought it was a funny name.

What happens if somebody reports you and you haven't done anything?

Just like every single report, we carefully check the chat logs to see what was happening at the time of the report.
If you did nothing wrong, you have no need to worry.
The person who reported you though, may, as we also consider it an offense to falsely report people.

Hope that answers your question and thank you for the suggestions.

Community Leader
ProfessorGreyrose wrote:

Hope that answers your question and thank you for the suggestions.

It does, thank you!

Dec 22, 2008
I completely agree with suggestions 1 and 2. Perhaps if you make the options ONLY available to subscriptions it might help boost business. I know i would have subscribed A LOT sooner if they had been.