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Out of Quests

Dec 03, 2010
Hey, I am in Krokosphinx right now and I don't have any mission left except the vault ice and the other one.I can't go to Ice vault and the other thing. WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
Jemuelle04 wrote:
Hey, I am in Krokosphinx right now and I don't have any mission left except the vault ice and the other one.I can't go to Ice vault and the other thing. WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?

Did you do all the quests to make the ice sword? If not, as you enter the Krokosphinx, go to the right and look for the person with the quest (probably the 'other one')...or look for the person with the '!' that you missed (go back to the last few missions and see if you forgot to get the next mission. They are linear, and if you finish one, you are either given the next quest, or sent to someone with a quest for you.

Dec 03, 2010