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May Cast on Pets not working again?

May 10, 2010
Ok, I have several pets that have storm aura and snow aura. These pets use to cast the shields normally when attacked by that school. No, not always, but around 33% of the time. I could deal with that. But now, since the so called fix!, my pets rarely cast the shields anymore. Has the rate been reduced? Was there ever any update listed stating this was going to happen?

Also, I have an Epic Wraith, that I have played for hours and hours and hours with. The wraith has the talent, may cast deathblade. I use wands, I cast spells, i wraith, I fight and I fight, and then I fight some more, but not once, not one single time, has it cast a death blade. It has been fixed, for what? More than a week now?

So, is there still a bug in the program? Has the rate been reduced? may I please get an update on this?

thank you for your time.

Blaze DeathBlade
GrandMaster Death

Sep 02, 2010
Same here. My wraith gained this ability at adult and is now epic with all stats maxed. He's never cast it a single time.

Sep 12, 2010
I've got a starfish with ice trap and ice blade. I've seen it cast ice blade once and never ice trap. Casting rate must be extremely low or triggered by something rarely cast in the battles I've been in (mainly stormriven pylon battles).

Jun 09, 2009
Well, maybe "death blade" cast has a certain pre-requisite. If a pet has spritely it only casts sprite if you have lost more then 350 health.