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I feel insulted

Jul 25, 2010
I am a lvl 49 ice wizard and I am currently in Dragonspyre. I do all my quests with my brother, a lvl 50 life wizard. We use henchmen to help during our battles, to make them go quicker, and I feel insulted by the new lvl 60 ice henchman. We got into a battle and picked an ice henchman to help. I wanted to see how cool it was. I was extremely disappointed because all it did was taunt (which can get seriously annoying), use its staff attack, and put down about 2 traps. I was hoping it could do better than that! I hope this problem is fixed because I know i'll need help since Ice spells are weak.

Alura Waterheart
Level 49 Ice

Jun 04, 2009
Yes, that new minion should use some spells, and have more health, ice has generally the most health.

Hannah Dragonsword, 43 fire

Sep 11, 2010
The henchmen are limited in their intelligence, and will usually go for one specific strategy with their spells - ice has a preference for taunting, just as life has a preference for healing you (even when you don't need it). I haven't seen any henchmen capable of understanding the idea of stacking traps and blades, to boot.