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Fizzles in Celestia

Dec 13, 2009
I do not know if this is suppose to be right, but Pyromancers and Theurgist are fizzling a lot in Celestia. I, as a pyromancer, am fizzling a whole mess for a reason. I never fizzle in a battle. Almost in every battle in Celestia, I fizzle about 2 to 3 times in one battle. I am very confused at why I am fizzling so much in just one battle. Please KI, is this a bug, or is this suppose to happen??

Sep 11, 2009
idk i thinks its just a bug cause i noticed that now storm barely fizzes in celestia

Aug 03, 2009
We didnt even get CL before this problem. I dont know about others, but my Weakness spell (90% acc) seems to be as accurate as Storm, or less so. To me, I think the accuracys have gotten messed up in CL. My Judgments, Spectral Blasts, and Hydras, (all 85% acc) hit about 50% of the time, while the enemies' Stormzillas, Tritons, and Storm Lords conviently hit about 95% of the time. No joking. Don't you love how that one-hit-K-O Judgment ends up fizzling, allowing the enemy to throw a Storm Lord at you, then you can suddenly hit them *after* the stun? Also, my Power Pip chance is 82%, but in CL, it seems I am only getting them about 50% of the time as well. I'm not trying to sound like a killjoy or a whiner or anything, but there are some balance issues that need addressing... no pun intended for us Sorcerors out there