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family acounts

Dec 14, 2009
i have an acount and ive been playing pretty long but my brother just started playing and he wants to play on my acount we have 2 computers
so i figured we could play at the same time but whenever i log in he logs out
and the same for me what do i do

One account = one login at a time.

If your brother creates his own account, you can play at the same time, but one account can only be logged in one at a time.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Apr 02, 2010
If your parents are cool (like my son and daughters' father ) they would set up a family account with a credit card, costs only $6.95/month/account or about $14 a month, its a heck of a deal.

The four of us share two accounts. Only downsides are can't all four be logged in, and we cannot have the experience of training a character of each school. Many upsides, especially now that more items can be put in the Shared Bank.

Just tell them to get rid of cable TV . Hey at least you have to interact and think.

Then when you want a Crowns Item, scope out the gift cards for a pet you would like and get that gift card - just remember, the pet you get depends upon the month you redeem, not when you purchase!