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** Beguile ** Is useless.

Jun 15, 2009
1. *Beguile* does not work on boss's, Every other spell in the game works on boss's if its a hostile spell. Why does this one not work.

2. Almost every i use *Beguile* on a NPC the receiving character will not be attacked by the other NPC's on the same team. Also rarely uses an attack to hit the other team fully. as they would me. in celestia is where this is most common.

3. Me personally i use it as a fist line of defense. Trying to use the 2 v 1 to my advantage making the other character i beguile part of my team. how ever just as the death pet is useless so is beguile.

I would like to see this changed.

The card description become more specific? or make it useful.

Apr 02, 2010
The only good thing about Beguile, Doom and Gloom, and Animate, is that they help make sure you have enough of the useful Death spells in your deck. :D

I have read that Beguile is good for PvP. I don't do it, and from what I read here, I never will, I can have more fun crafting, hatching pets, and the pet derby - there aren't so many crazy boosts like that super Crown gear that boosts all shielding and hits.

The other stinky thing about Beguile is its a three pip card - its a white pip eater; as you get higher in levels, your power pip chance increases, and odd pip cards have a penalty in that they "round up" because at the moment you only had all yellow pips. So at some point you will say good bye to Banshee and Pirate. Keep Feint and Spirit Blade.

Form your own opinion about Animate, but in my opinion the minion is only a Trap and Feint hitter, and worse, it takes back the health you really needed! Watch out for Minion #8, it casts Doom and Gloom, quick way to make an enemy of a Life character.

Don't know what to tell you about Sacrifice. I took it out, but on Celestia I have had to put it back in. Sacrifice and Empower are tricky cards to use! If you have a Death Blade on, you hit yourself harder! You can reduce the effect by using Death Shield, and/or when Weakness is on you. All this makes running a Death character tricky, but the payoff is great; you can walk away from many battles with full health. Life has to use a heal over time to get that effect; first cast the heal, then the hit.

Another thing I JUST figured out, and I feel like a dope for not figuring out earlier; my Level 48 Wraith only gave me Pip O' Plenty and Death Shield and I was complaining about it; but now, I realize I can use it to my advantage; Empower just got easier to use, since all death hits are down another 8%.

--- Edited for typos and a missing word. --

Jan 25, 2010

I know, it's sad.

At one time some months ago beguile worked by helping the player. I don't know how long you have been playing but you know what it did?

The spell that they were going to cast on a player is cast on the side of the enemy thus hitting one of their own guys. It was a good spell and actually helped you, and was funny too to actually see this happen but now Beguile is just a worthless animation that wastes pips. But somewhere along the line there was a "silent" update where no mention of this change occurred.

You know what it was changed to? When it comes time for Beguile to take effect the enemy either fizzes or passes.

That does not help the player in the proper context of helping the player as a spell should because you know why?

THEY ALREADY PASS AND FIZZ. This is what makes Beguile a con game is by taking away it's ability to make the enemy cast it's spell on your enemy on its own team in exchange for passing or fizzing.

Beguile became a lie. It is a worthless spell and not even worth having in your deck BECAUSE THE ENEMY IS GOING TO PASS AND FIZZ ANYWAY.

What made Beguile unique as a spell was removed and replaced with a garden variety game function.

Here is a list of other Death School spells that aren't worth putting in your deck. At lower levels the damage causing spells served a purpose (others I used once and left them in the dust bin forever because they have no value) but now they just take up space. I would like the function to hide these from my list of spells so I don't have to look at them or sift through them to get to what I want. Click click click click just hide the garbage.

Dark Sprite, Ghoul, Banshee, Doom And Gloom (which also cuts your health spells down by the same percentage), Pacify, Steal Health (from minion), Animate (summon a minion of which minions do more to help the enemy than they do you and are counterproductive and will get you killed quicker than you would have died anyway plus they totally waste 10 times more support spells than they cast), Plague (big deal as if Death School actually needs a 20% reduction in the enemies incoming damage lol), Empower, Infection.

By the way, the Death School pet is not useless but gives 1 Wraith card that hits 575 damage just like the Kraysys Astral Carcanet necklace does. If you back that Wraith up with Blade, Death Trap, Curse, Prism (if fighting Death School), Feint, Spirit Trap, Spirit Blade you can hit 6,206 against a Befouled Wood Walker, more if Balance school puts a Balance Blade on you.

Wraith is one of the top horrific attack spells in this game

Hitting 6,000+ in 6 moves, 7 moves if fighting Death School, in my opinion is far from useless.

(edit: fixed typos)