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Text Chat question

Dec 15, 2009
How do people text chat you when they aren't your friend? For example, I
was getting my friend to have both the wizards on his account be on my friend list. So they got on with their other wizard on that account, and they
said they were on. But they said it like how you talk when you click their name on the friend list, and click text chat. But they weren't even on my friend list yet ! So, I am just really confused :(.

Jul 13, 2010
Dec 15, 2009
I figured it out. You talk to the person you want to talk to, switch to your other wizard, and press the backslash button, then the R button on the keyboard, and the person's name you just talked to on your other wizard's
name comes up and you can talk to them, even if they aren't on your friend list.