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Problems with Maze Game in Pet Pavillion

Jul 08, 2010
I have had a couple probs with this game while training pet.

1. Ghost has froze me from opposite side of hedge, then refreezing me when it comes around.

2. I have gone through ghosts several times, including head on, when the blue star was eaten, wasting several seconds from the effect of the star.

Please do not reply it is my graphic card, this computer isnt that old (as in bought this summer), and has some high end stuff in there for gaming.

Community Leader

You might want to contact support. I was running the maze this morning and had no issues at all. Have you tried signing out and back in game or does this happen all the time?

Aug 21, 2009
I had a problem like this only in pet races. Stuff like that happens when your computer only periodically is able to communicate with the game, which means you tend to have lag times inbetween every computer to network exchange. My problem was caused by viruses running in the background of my system making my system run much slower than what it should have been running at. The problem is that these virus programs are hard to find and to know that you have been infected as they don't give any clues as to you having them other than your system seems a bit slow.