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Area Access costs

Oct 16, 2008
I am a subscriber and I wish to compare the costs of just buying the areas to actually subscribing, but I need a little more information beforehand.
1. What is the cost in crowns/area
2. What counts as an area
3. Does it count for all my wizards or just one
4. Is there a discount for buying all the areas at once

Arenlor wrote:
I am a subscriber and I wish to compare the costs of just buying the areas to actually subscribing, but I need a little more information beforehand.
1. What is the cost in crowns/area

Each area is a different price. The crowns to dollars conversion depends on whether or not you purchased your Crowns in bulk.

Arenlor wrote:
2. What counts as an area

Some areas are connected to other areas, such as Sunken City is attached to Nightside, and therefore they are priced together. Other areas are standalone, and they are priced accordingly. Here is an example:

Arenlor wrote:
3. Does it count for all my wizards or just one

All the Wizards on that account. Once you purchase an area, you won’t ever need to purchase it again on that account.

Arenlor wrote:
4. Is there a discount for buying all the areas at once

That is called a subscription. :)

Deciding between Access Pass and Subscription really depends on what type of player you are.
If you are unsure how much time you'll be spending in the game, and you like the flexibility of being able to play 20 hours one month, and 2 hours the next, then the Access Pass system is probably best for you.
If you like to budget and know exactly how much you'll be spending each month, then a subscription is probably best for you.

If you have questions about the pricing of Crowns, you can find that information here.

Thank you for your question.
~Professor Greyrose

Oct 16, 2008