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School Houses

May 17, 2009
Ok i'm just curious to see what everyones opinion is on this so what would you people say is your favorite house for the schools, now just homes for the schools not from other worlds or anything, and also which do you dislike the most from them as well. Also please be honest and not just choose the one thats for your school unless its really your favorite. For me my favorite is probably the myth house cause of the landscape, the way it looks like a giant cyclops is protecting your castle from intruders and everything just looks great all together. Least favorite is fire there's just nothing to it, it leaves nothing to the imagination it just looks like a tower the department would never care about putting out cause its on a small lifeless isolated island in the sky. So whats everyone else's favorite and least favorite.

Jul 08, 2010
Life, Storm and Death in that order.

Life: I love the way it looks. only downside is not a lot of rooms.
Storm: Again looks great, and a lot of rooms to wander around in.
Death: Reminds me of childhood halloween lol :)

The one I dislike most I think is Balance. Rooms just look broken down

Community Leader
I love all housing, but you want me to pick one, humm.
I love the Watchtower Hall, it was a big accomplishment to make and to decorate.

To pick a favorite I would just have no idea I think they all have their own special design. I guess it would depend on the purpose.
Storm House was my first bought school house, I love the stormy views and how it goes underwater.
First ever bought house was a Wizard City Royal Playhouse .

Aug 21, 2009
Until you have them all properly decorated up it is really hard to say. I would however say that house enjoyment often is highly impacted upon the initial feeling you get when teleporting into a home, this is important cause you tend to teleport home quite a lot during normal play.

Jun 30, 2009
I like them all.

Ice- I love CHRISTMAS. So, this is PERFECT for Christmas party's.

Fire- I love the warmth also (a born southerner, but I act/speak FARRR from it.)

Life- I love the Forest/Outdoors.

Storm- My Balance has the Storm House, and I just LOVE it. I love the room where that BIG window is. I sit there and listen to the animals.

Balance- I like it because, it looks like an underground expedition (searching for mummys etc:)

Death- It reminds me of those cartoon, scary movies..

Myth- This is probably my favorite. I like the porting stuff. And, I love the bath house. And, I love everything about it!!


The little place, off to the side, on the first ground that goes into the white place it's nice for "wizard yoga."

Jan 01, 2010
Definitely Storm, with Death as a close second.

Storm is very soothing after a tough day battling enemies. The colors and the sound of the waves crashing are very calming. I have a campsite set up on the large rise to the right, it makes me think of relaxing in the great outdoors. And inside, I especially like the large "observatory" room where I have set up the master bedroom. It is very relaxing to sit and watch the fish swim around (well except for the shark which is a bit of a fright!).

Death on the other hand (the house which my Life wizard has) is not at all relaxing! But it is very cool aesthetically. The dark spaces are great for setting up all the odds and ends from different worlds, especially Dragonspyre. I have a grave yard in one spot with a pet ghost and lots of ruins and Mooshu shrines scattered about. Inside, the wallpapers from MB work really well as the dark lighting creates really good shadow effects. And I have set up a great dungeon complete with jail and wall chains in the furnace room.

As for world houses, I really like the GH Fjord house as well as the large MB house. But you didn't ask about those so I wont' go into detail!