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Oct 04, 2009
Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble finding more quests to do. :( I know I skipped over some in Mooshu and Dragonspyre but can't find them again... It's absolute rubbish. I'm from UK (England, so sorry if I talk different.) Can ya'll help me out in finding some more, oh, and I am almost a grandmaster but not yet so I haven't gotten that new quests from Sergeant Muldoon. I even finished all the Celestia prep quest. I still haven't done Ravenscar in Grizzleheim but I can't find any quests leading to it! So please tell me some locations where I can find some more quests! Thanks so much! :D

Jan 01, 2010
I am guessing you are referring to side quests.

In Marleybone most of the side quests come from the dog at the desk (don't remember his name) in Scotland Yard and from Abigail in the Square.

In Mooshu, each area has side quests. Go into the area and look on your map for characters you haven't spoken to. Also in Mooshu there is a series of Mossback/Wavebringer/Oakheart quests that lead you to a dojo in Jade Palace. Wavebringer is kind of easy to miss if you aren't looking for him.

Same with Dragonspyre: Each area has it's own side quests. Look at the map of the area for charachers you haven't spoken to. For example in the Hatchery there is a dragon who has a bunch of quests for you (with some fun bosses).

As for Revenscar, you may need to talk to Ambrose to get that quest. He "grants" access once you reach the appropriate level.

Hope that helps! Cheers!

Mar 12, 2010
If you haven't been back to Grizzleheim in a while, you might have to stop by and talk to Merle Ambrose first. He might give you a quest to go back there. (Not sure about this, but it worked for me.)

Jun 07, 2010
Via87 wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble finding more quests to do. :( I know I skipped over some in Mooshu and Dragonspyre but can't find them again... It's absolute rubbish. I'm from UK (England, so sorry if I talk different.) Can ya'll help me out in finding some more, oh, and I am almost a grandmaster but not yet so I haven't gotten that new quests from Sergeant Muldoon. I even finished all the Celestia prep quest. I still haven't done Ravenscar in Grizzleheim but I can't find any quests leading to it! So please tell me some locations where I can find some more quests! Thanks so much! :D

Grizzleheim allows you access at 20+ Ambrose tells you at 20 level to report to Grizzleheim. So it should be unlocked for you when you reach 20 level. Experience Points stinks there. So it will take a while before you level. Bare in Mind Grzzleheim, unlocks more areas depending on your level. Also re-read any quest you have in your log. You might have missed something somewheres. Check Mooshu. There are quest givers on the roads in between Mooshu zones.


May 20, 2010
The higher level the world is, the more experience there is. Unfortunately, the only way to find out what quests you've missed is to go down every street in every area. It can help some if you look at the map of each place you're at to find possible NPC's who might be well off the beaten path. You can also go into the local Library in each area and see if the Librarian or assistant has anything for you to do.

Start with Dragonspyre, then go to Mooshu, then Marleybone, then Krokotopia, and lastly Wizard City.

Jun 14, 2009
There are a couple of ways to check.
1. Go to each world and their subdivisions and check your map. Anyone in blue will have a quest. Go to each of them and see if you did those.

2. Check your badges. You will receive a badge for doing certain quest or completing all the quest in a world. Here is a link to badge guide to help you.
