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Under powerd Scare crows?

Jun 22, 2010
I was just curious if anyone had noticed that the scare crow is way underpowerd comparred to all other lvl 48 spells in the game i love my death wiz and know its very complicated to use but i still feel shorted on power compared to other lvl 48 spell i think the crow should be boosted

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
cjo1980 wrote:
I was just curious if anyone had noticed that the scare crow is way underpowerd comparred to all other lvl 48 spells in the game i love my death wiz and know its very complicated to use but i still feel shorted on power compared to other lvl 48 spell i think the crow should be boosted

I thought it was a 600 point spell (400 damage, 200 healing) per opponent. This damage/heal ratio seems in line with the other spells.

Dec 28, 2009
well it IS a multi attack spell and would be much stronger if ya put traps and blades. if there is only one or two opponents, there is always wraith

Jun 09, 2009
Feb 14, 2009
with full grand gear a scarecrow does around 530 without blades, which is more then frost giant does without blades and full gear. As well if you are fighting 4 opponents, use a scarecrow with no cloths on, or blades, and they have no traps or shields, you heal 1600 points. That can change a whole fight around. So no, it is perfect the way it is

Feb 18, 2010
scarecrow is best used for multiple opponents. who cares how much damage you do when you're returned to full life.

Jun 22, 2010
Hey thanx for the feed back i was just curious if anyone else thought it seemed under powerd but after hearing back from everyone so far and different views from you all it seems more likley to me that it is in line with everything else look forward to seein you all in battle. 101 4 life woot!