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hating how DS is allways dead

Dec 29, 2009
the only thing i hate about this game is that dragonspyre is such a let down i hate how everything is all dead there exept for when you go back in to the pass. when this game first came out and i started playing i imagined dragonspyre as a utopia overrun by dragons who were being commanded by malistaire and i thought of cool clothes made from dragons skin and a bunch more xp than any other world as it turns out the creatures where controlled by malistaire and there where some dragons but it had almost as much xp given for each quest as MB and i compleatly hated it cause after being in a cool green place like mooshu with so much xp that could even reach 3000 dragonspyre suc.... ever since then i hated that place and evrything in it every quest every villan every my monster every you name it and im sure i ain't the only one who hates it even the ultimate spells you get are kind of gloom because of how everything is all dead the only spell that seems to fit there is dragon (48 fire) they could atleast make it so that as soon as you finish you could go back in to the past and hang around and look at the place and also get a new spell because when you go there you don't get a spell at all you have to wait to be lvl 48 for your next spell

all in all i hate that place and can't stand to on in the game after i get my last spell.

Jul 21, 2009
I can see why you hate it so much. I was kind of disapionted when I saw it to. The next world, Celestia, is going to be much more interesting. So if you battle with others for long periods of time, you should finish the story quests in about a month if you play every day. Even though Dragon Spyre is a dead world, each area should be a little different in looks because it is all the same with one small area of difference. Every one has a world they don't like in some way. Some don't like Marlybone because it has no side walks and some don't like Mooshu because it is not full of enough action for them. The best thing to do is zip through the world and hope the next one is more interesting.

May 02, 2009
Marleybone is the place you should hate, I mean unsafe sidewalks and bridges and Dragonspyre's sidewalks are at least safer than Marleybone. Well that's all I'm gonna say.

Jun 19, 2009
Well I'm a death student so I love it! And it's actually pretty cool. I mean it a pretty good place for malistare to hide. It fits him. If we had no place like that well what's to look forward to? Like the final world (until celestia comes out) Like in movies ya know? They give you something cool at the end to look forward too. Some girls may not like it but most of us boys do :D .

Jun 14, 2009
I am sorry to hear that you didn't like this world. I truely am, but if you listen to the story, it tells you that Malistaire had arrived and destroyed - killing most of the occupants. There was also a civil war there, which is stated in the side quest.

This was one of my favorite worlds, except all of the dungeons. I hope that you enjoy the next world more.