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Myth has unfair advanages!

Mar 06, 2009
Myth has unfair advanages because they have their lvl 48 card as their pet and pet's card (the pet's card for Myth is the strongest in the game so far)! Do you agree or disagree with me?
Please reply.

May 15, 2009
This is not Unfair as u so put it
every school has its own advantages
frankly for storm i think stormzilla looks way better than a stormlord pet would

Jan 27, 2009
Jun 09, 2009
Disagree, the pets are of the highest single attack spell of school (except life which is highest single heal) also, Myth's pet Orthrus stronger card, is still kind of weak.

Dec 17, 2008

I just hate the people who complain everyday about which side is better or worst..... I happen to be a Grandmaster Conjurer and I happen to disagree on your immature comment.... I hate to bring Kingsisle into this but wouldn't you think Kingsisle would have changed that if it was unfair.... Anyways how are we supposed to have an Earthquake pet... It would just be a crack in the ground. Also there is already a minotaur pet that is dropped by Youkai. So do you get my point......

With Regards,
Blaze Moonflame
Grandmaster Conjurer

Jul 08, 2009
I disagree as well. Myth is probably one of the weaker schools anyways and its the one most people complain about in the higher levels. If you doubt me, head over to wizard101central.com and look at the polls and threads about the worst school. Its pretty clear cut most people think myth is the school they don't like. Having played a myth to GM and now retired it, I can say myth was far and away an incredibly boring experience.

Mar 24, 2009
jessessej wrote:
Myth has unfair advanages because they have their lvl 48 card as their pet and pet's card (the pet's card for Myth is the strongest in the game so far)! Do you agree or disagree with me!
Please reply.

You're forgetting that Myth is the only school whose Level 48 Spell doesn't attack everyone, while has the only Level 42 spell that does. Therefore each pet allows for the highest attack to a single opponent in the game. That makes them all equal.

Mar 06, 2009
Angelocean wrote:
Disagree, the pets are of the highest single attack spell of school (except life which is highest single heal) also, Myth's pet Orthrus stronger card, is still kind of weak.

yeah but look at stormzilla, (it is stronger than storm lord) orthrus is stronger than it!

Feb 05, 2010
Jun 09, 2009
jessessej wrote:
Angelocean wrote:
Disagree, the pets are of the highest single attack spell of school (except life which is highest single heal) also, Myth's pet Orthrus stronger card, is still kind of weak.

yeah but look at stormzilla, (it is stronger than storm lord) orthrus is stronger than it!

Really? Single attack spells are supposed to be stronger then mob spells, mob spells do damage to all enemies.

Example: You have a mob card and single attack card: Mob does 80 damage to all, single hit does 100 to a enemy, would you rather do 160-320 damage base? Or 100 damage base to a enemy. Seriously, use common sense like this before posting.

Edit: Let's say the enemies had 100 health, if the single attack was a 2 pip spell, then the mob attack would have to be 4 pips to match it.

Jan 03, 2009
We have orthrus cause you can't have a earthquake pet and there is already a minotaur pet.

Apr 24, 2009
My main concern about Myth and I have a GM Conjurer myself is that Myth gets more minions than any of the other schools and relies more on the minions than the other schools do so why is it that Death's minion ranks up with whatever power pips you have and Myth's minions dont even rank up. How can you be a Master of Monsters if your minions suck? The only one really worth having is the Cyclops and even at the highest pip he gets 575 hp and that doesnt stop him from getting killed in one hit especially when you get up to MS and DS. I hope KI improves all the minions for all achools for the Celestia update because when you fight a boss and his minion has way more health than your minion than it really is not a fair fight.

Dec 09, 2008
I have been faced with a relevant dillemna as I have pondered multiple times about whether Myth spells are seriously weak for me when I try to battle Mooshu/Dragonspyre monsters. At first around the time that I acquired Humongofrog, I thought that it was an awesome school. However, I am forced to face the reality that Myth is a terribly weak school and if Orthrus is as strong as people think it is then it is the only thing that seems to be powerful enough to make up for this. In other words, Orthrus is what almost puts Myth up to speed with Storm, as close as Myth can get that is.

Mar 06, 2009
GoCowboys wrote:
jessessej wrote:
Myth has unfair advanages because they have their lvl 48 card as their pet and pet's card (the pet's card for Myth is the strongest in the game so far)! Do you agree or disagree with me!
Please reply.

You're forgetting that Myth is the only school whose Level 48 Spell doesn't attack everyone, while has the only Level 42 spell that does. Therefore each pet allows for the highest attack to a single opponent in the game. That makes them all equal.

hmm ok but see if you can answer this...why isnt the pet Minotaur? :?

Mar 06, 2009
cole2142 wrote:

I just hate the people who complain everyday about which side is better or worst..... I happen to be a Grandmaster Conjurer and I happen to disagree on your immature comment.... I hate to bring Kingsisle into this but wouldn't you think Kingsisle would have changed that if it was unfair.... Anyways how are we supposed to have an Earthquake pet... It would just be a crack in the ground. Also there is already a minotaur pet that is dropped by Youkai. So do you get my point......

With Regards,
Blaze Moonflame
Grandmaster Conjurer

well duh not an Earthquake pet! it would be a minotaur and the minotaur pet would be myth only (school pet not from secret boss in tree of life).

Mar 06, 2009
moviebuff3000 wrote:
My main concern about Myth and I have a GM Conjurer myself is that Myth gets more minions than any of the other schools and relies more on the minions than the other schools do so why is it that Death's minion ranks up with whatever power pips you have and Myth's minions dont even rank up. How can you be a Master of Monsters if your minions suck? The only one really worth having is the Cyclops and even at the highest pip he gets 575 hp and that doesnt stop him from getting killed in one hit especially when you get up to MS and DS. I hope KI improves all the minions for all achools for the Celestia update because when you fight a boss and his minion has way more health than your minion than it really is not a fair fight.

ok? why are you talking about minions? this post is about orthrus.