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Deplorable Level of Working Health Orbs

Jun 29, 2009
There is a deplorable level of working health orbs in Krok and MB. Because I usually quest with a life character, I was not aware of this issue until recently. There is one section of Krok with red orbs giving mana. Since running down health orbs is probably one of the MOST tedious parts of the game, please increase the occurrence of working health orbs offered in these two worlds. Numerous times I was forced to sit and gain health in the Oasis or the commons area. Mooshu and Dragonspyre both have enough orbs to support a group of four players questing together.

Dec 17, 2008
I've never had a problem with health orbs not working. I've run into a few health orbs that didn't move and didn't get any health, but this is on rare occasion. Never run into a red wisp that gave mana, or a blue one that gave health. Sometimes there are a few blue wisps mixed in some agressive areas, like the grand arena in Krokotopia's Krokosphinx.

If you're running into wisps that do nothing, it might be your computer, or a slow internet connection. Try running ahead of the path, or behind the path of the wisp. The wisps appearance and actual location might be out of sync.

I hope this helped.

Kane Stormcaster - Grandmaster Diviner - Master Artisan
Lenora - Grandmaster Theurgist
Kane Icecaster - Master Thaumaturge
Flint Forge - Magus Sorcerer

Aug 29, 2008
MordanTheGreat wrote:
There is a deplorable level of working health orbs in Krok and MB. Because I usually quest with a life character, I was not aware of this issue until recently. There is one section of Krok with red orbs giving mana. Since running down health orbs is probably one of the MOST tedious parts of the game, please increase the occurrence of working health orbs offered in these two worlds. Numerous times I was forced to sit and gain health in the Oasis or the commons area. Mooshu and Dragonspyre both have enough orbs to support a group of four players questing together.
I think the orbs for health more mana should be increased because i am mad of having no mana when i am at the end of grand tower just plz make mana orbs more easy to get

Sep 21, 2008
I run into this problem occasionally but I wind up just searching for another orb area.

Try running around your area in krokotopia.

Jun 14, 2009
MordanTheGreat wrote:
There is a deplorable level of working health orbs in Krok and MB. Because I usually quest with a life character, I was not aware of this issue until recently. There is one section of Krok with red orbs giving mana. Since running down health orbs is probably one of the MOST tedious parts of the game, please increase the occurrence of working health orbs offered in these two worlds. Numerous times I was forced to sit and gain health in the Oasis or the commons area. Mooshu and Dragonspyre both have enough orbs to support a group of four players questing together.

If you aren't in a dungeon, try switching realms. There may be more wisps on another realm.

Jun 29, 2009
Thank you all for responding, I really do appreciate other members taking the time to respond and wanting to help. However, the above comments do not pertain to the issues raised in this post. "Well I never!" may be what you have found, but it does not negate the problems or issues raised. I cannot say this often enough, suggesting a change of realms is simply a work around to bad programming/design, and it is NOT a solution. The game can obviously be programmed/designed correctly, look at Mooshu and Dragonspyre if you have any doubts (excluding a few dirt piles and crafting). Both Mooshu and Dragonspyer are very well designed and implemented worlds (there is one flower that is not accessable in DS but not bad considering how big that world is). Wizard City is well done also. I have a FIOS connection (faster than most businesses and universities have for up/down speed and often more reliable). I have four different computers with different configurations (the "best" being an I9/Vista Professional/32GB ram) that I have used with Wizard 101. FYI, the oldest desktop with the lowest ram running XP (it does have a nice TV in/out video card) seems to work best for this program. Go figure!

All that aside, working health orbs are a real issue in Krok and MB. This post is asking KI to test and address the issue that numerous parts of Krok and MB do NOT have enough working orbs when a group are questing together. The last three times I ran a group of wizards through Wiz101, I had one life character so I missed the health orb situation. Single user usage may be what KI is testing (or what respondents to this post are basing their responses on), but it is not enough to test based simply on a single user running through the game. KI has designed the game (in parts) to require the help of one or more players/friends. For this reason KI needs to test more than one character at a time. If this old lady can quest four at a time, you young whipper snappers at KI certainly can and need to in order to properly test the program (no keyboard cheats for that life and/or mana while testing).

Also, there is an area of Krok where the health orbs deliver mana instead of health. It occurred before Christmas time if this helps. My step son found the same issue after Christmas and mumbled something about Mr Lincoln better be hearing about THIS ONE! I told him to change realms, and we both just laughed.