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Cave of Solitude Quest Helper Wrong

May 04, 2009
Quest helper for Cave of Solitude for me is leading me to Hametsu Village and I end up in the middle of the village near the teleporter stones. The quest helper should lead me to Jade Palace, then to Shoshun Village Entrance, then to the Cave of Solitude. I submitted a bug report for this in case anyone else is having this problem too.

Aug 12, 2009
Your problem is that the helper thinks that the teleporter stone is active but its not because you are having trouble and i won't take you i've had this problem to it will do that til you get to Yoshito temple then it will clear up if i remember right Until then just go to Water Dojo abd then Shushun then you know the rest hope this helps!! Also sending a bug report was a good idea because if it happened to me and you its happening to OTHER people to.
well hope this helps!! :-) :-) :-)

May 04, 2009
May 04, 2009
Hollen1233 wrote:
Quest helper for Cave of Solitude for me is leading me to Hametsu Village and I end up in the middle of the village near the teleporter stones. The quest helper should lead me to Jade Palace, then to Shoshun Village Entrance, then to the Cave of Solitude. I submitted a bug report for this in case anyone else is having this problem too.

Okay. The quest helper problem did clear up after Cave Of Solitude.

Now it's doing it again for the Ancient Burial Grounds.

From Jade Palace, quest helper should lead me to Yoshihito Temple, and then to the Ancient Burial Grounds.

Instead it leads me in the wrong direction again to Hametsu Village to the teleporter stones in the center of the Village.

I submitted another bug report for Quest Helper wrong directions. In case anyone else is having problems, please report it too. Thanks.