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Bought back talent points.

Oct 19, 2009
Im a death wizard and I was wondering what i should spend my points on. I was looking twords a good PvP-Solo-Group talent type deal. I was thinking Death-Life because i can heal myself and do consistent damage. But right now im just a noob without a clue.

Jun 23, 2009
I believe it's best to pick a school that has spells to compliment your own. Generally you don't want to pick a secondary school for their attacks since you won't be able to utilize those nifty power pips.

So which ones to pick? The spells listed below are excellent ones to have in any deck:

Satyr from the Life School -- good for heals
Tower Shield from the Ice School -- used frequently in pvp
Elemental/Spirit Blades, Elemental/Spirit Traps from Niles the Balance Tree

Keep in mind to get some of these spells will require spending a good chunk of training points. Also, you'll have to pick up all the spells that come before them but you don't have to put them in your deck.

There's a Wizard 101 Wiki that has some good info about these spells and others, so check it out if you get a chance.

May 29, 2009

If you PVP, 5 points to ice school for tower shield is almost a must. It's the primary defense against balance wizards. Also, go train infection for free from Mortis (the tree in Nightside).

Getting the Weakness spell is a pretty good idea for PVP as well. It'll cost 3 points from balance school (or you can try to buy the amulet that gives you 2 weakness cards from the bazaar). It's similar to Death's Plague spell, but you cast it only on one target and it's a 0 pip spell.

Luckily you'll get feint as part of death so you won't have to spend 7 points on that. Once you get tower and weakness, you can consider using 3 points on life up to the sprite. As a death wizard, you won't need to heal using healing spells that much since your ghoul, vampire, wraith, and scarecrow all do life steals in addition to attacking. You also have the death spell Sacrifice that can be used to heal yourself or others.

So here's what I would do:

1. Ice - 5 points to tower shield (and you get volcanic shield as well -- the fire/storm shield)

2. Buy weakness amulet unless you have a better one to wear. If you do, then 3 points to Balance school to get weakness.

3. Train infection for free

4. Train death shield at level 10 for free

5. At lvl 20, train Spirit Trap in Krokotopia for 1 point

6. At lvl 25, train Spirit Blade from Krokotopia for 1 point

7. Possibly spend 3 points on Life to sprite, but by this time, you may realize that you may not even need this.

MattzMage wrote:
Im a death wizard and I was wondering what i should spend my points on. I was looking twords a good PvP-Solo-Group talent type deal. I was thinking Death-Life because i can heal myself and do consistent damage. But right now im just a noob without a clue.