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Does this wand make me look fat?

Jan 07, 2009
Ok I have to know the answer to the question, why don't you have a wand?
I have seen more and more wizards with empty hands than I care to count, so what's the deal?

Aug 15, 2009
umm kids... need I say more?

their the only ones I know who would gimp themselves and think it
's cool!

Till they find out the spell on the wand gives them more spells that can save their toon's life or actually make them stronger by eating away the mobs hits while building free pips to cast something other than a 1 pip card .. just shake your head laugh and move on ..

Feb 15, 2009
Jan 07, 2009
got a couple of answers, one my brother sold it on me.... so smack brother for being bad and touching your stuff

the other made me laugh, she claims she can't afford one. When I pointed out she had one in her backpack she said "really? how do I look for it"

the other answer made me shake my head, "makes me stronger not to have that weak wand in my hand" oh ok so you don't want to gain pips and hit them at the same time? he didn't notice that....