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Just a suggestion

Jun 25, 2009
I have run into a problem with some of the code items and no trade items.

I have a few items I got from codes, but they are on my original character (read oldest, and the one I made the most mistakes on.) I would like to start this character over, but if I do, I can't keep my "no trade" items. I can understand if these were items that were high level or the game makers only wanted each person to have one of, but these are unique items you can only get one per account!

Instead of the "no trade" flag limiting us from ALL trade, why not exempt the shared bank from the restriction? I would like to be able to keep some of my code items, erase the character, and pass them on to another NEW character.

Sep 28, 2008
Here is one other option available rather than erasing the whole character. Most of us messed up with the whole secondary school idea and if you buy back your training points from Mr. Lincoln in Golem Court then you can change the whole structure of the original wizard without losing anything but the secondary school spells. Buying back the training points keeps your primary school and ALL of your items for that wizard and allows you to "rework" the structure of any cards that training points were maliciously spent on as well as to "change" your secondary school. Provided of course that you wanted to keep that wizards primary school in the first place. Hope this helps.

James DreamRider
GrandMaster Balance

Jun 25, 2009
Yes, it does! Thank you very much! I didn't know about this option, and wanted my Life/Fire student to change to Life/Balance. Thank you so much! This was very helpful.